Alterable data

You can change some of your own personal data via Addresses and Personal Data For any changes that cannot be made online please contact the responsible office. Changed data can be updated at a validation terminal (self validation). They are written onto the card by a thermo-printing process by validation.

The data printed on the white stripe are alterable.

  • Professional role
    If there are several memberships (e.g. for students who are also members of staff), only the predominant one is printed on it. In this respect the student role takes priority over all others, and the role of lecturer takes priority over the role of staff member.
  • Organisational responsibilities
    degree programme, department or organisational unit, depending on the role
  • Identity number
  • «S» for students and trainees
    essential for student discounts
  • Validity period
    expiry of the enrolment, lecturer’s period or staff appointment, depending on the predominant role, but max. 1 year
    Validity period
  • ASVZ logo (for students and apprentices/trainees)