
Stock items from the ETH Webshop
For stock items, please contact the corresponding store immediately.

Non-stock items from the ETH Webshop

Internally ordered non-stock items with a value of less than CHF 100.00 will not be taken back.
If the value of goods exceeds CHF 100.00, please contact the corresponding store for a return.

Articles from an external supplier shop

Please contact the supplier's customer service for all questions regarding the order, return and invoice. If no replacement is made for the order item concerned or for the entire order, it is essential to inform the responsible procurement office ( in Zurich or in Basel) in parallel by stating the order number (10-digit and starts with 45) so that the order can be deleted from the system accordingly.

Please contact directly There you will receive the return label and instructions on how the return works.

Merck (Sigma Aldrich)
Contact Priscilla Dietrich directly (

Returns; Please contact us directly at or by phone at 0800 484 484.
After registering your return with the supplier, please clearly cross out the street, postal code, and city designation of your recipient address before returning your Lyreco order, and attach the note "Lyreco Return" to the package. After that, simply place the return in the outgoing mail at your ETH post transfer point.