Information for suppliers

Here you will find all current and important information on the subject of suppliers.
As a leading research and educational institution, ETH Zurich relies not only on excellent staff, but also on an excellent infrastructure. High priority is placed on an economically viable and sustainable procurement and provision of goods and services.
The Download ETH Zurich procurement policy (PDF, 4.6 MB) provides the legally binding basis for all procurement operations. This policy sets out on the one hand what is expected of those persons involved in procurement in the interests of efficient, coordinated and transparent procurement. On the other, it describes what ETH Zurich requires of its suppliers.
A striking characteristic of procurement at ETH Zurich is the exceptionally broad variety of products procured. These range from materials for building construction, operations and maintenance to highly specialised, innovative installations and equipment. And in addition to countless standard products and material for office, lab and workshop, very diverse services are called for, such as information media, transport for people and goods etc.
ETH Zurich procurement is divided into six Download Procurement units (PDF, 94 KB) (German only). These regulate the procurement process for the goods and services assigned to you (material groups); i.e. they either procure the goods directly or inform you of the best procurement procedure. This ensures that the legal conditions are adhered to.
Those in charge of material groups are responsible for the strategic management (best procedure and conditions) of the portfolio of the procurement unit. Purchasing coordination (Financial Services department) sees to overall coordination by running and developing ETH Zurich material groups management. This is the first point of contact for suppliers and other interest groups in procurement matters.
ETH Zurich forms part of the ETH Domain together with ETH Lausanne (EPFL), the Swiss Federal Institute for Materials Testing and Research (EMPA), the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (EAWAG), the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) and the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL).
These institutions are all linked up in many different ways; thus the conditions arranged for any one of them should apply to all members of the ETH domain.
The procurement of general goods and services at ETH Zurich is subject to the "General Terms and Conditions applicable to the Contracts for Procurement of Goods and Services awarded by the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology (AGB ETH-Bereich)".
For the procurement of goods and services in ICT, the general terms and conditions for the Federal Government, Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) and the ETH Domain apply.
You'll find information about the tendering procedure for supplies, services and construction work at ETH Zurich in the information system on public procurement in Switzerland, external page simap.
In accordance with external page Art. 27 of the Ordinance on Public Procurement (PPO), the contracting authorities of the Swiss Confederation provide information in electronic form at least once a year on their public procurements subject to the Federal Act on Public Procurement (PPA) from CHF 50,000 (incl. VAT).
The relevant procurements of ETH Zurich can be found here:
Download The ETH Zurich procurements from CHF 50'000, year 2021 (German only) (XLSX, 5.4 MB)
Download The ETH Zurich procurements from CHF 50'000, year 2022 (German only) (XLSX, 10.8 MB)
Download The ETH Zurich procurements from CHF 50'000, year 2023 (German only) (XLSX, 5.5 MB)
If you have any questions regarding the content of the list, please contact Thank you.