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Leadership and development
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Application for funding for external training and education (PDF, 52 KB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Sabbatical request (PDF, 53 KB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Probationary period report (PDF, 69 KB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Appraisal interview Dialog (right-click > ‘save as ...’ > open with Adobe Acrobat) (PDF, 125 KB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Individual development plan (PDF, 33 KB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Annual Status Conversation Doctorate (PDF, 463 KB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Individual objective achievement plan (also known as PIP) (DOTX, 87 KB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Performance and progress interview for Senior Scientists (right-click > ‘save as ...’ > open with Adobe Acrobat) (PDF, 628 KB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom My future - career planning (PDF, 49 KB)
- protected pagelock Impact of financial regulations on HR processes (German) (PDF, 102 KB)
Personal data
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Personal data sheet (PDF, 107 KB)
- protected pagelock Change of personal data via ETHIS
- protected pagelock Change of your salary account via ETHIS
- chevron_right SBB travelcard (German)
- protected pagelock Publica voluntary contributions via ETHIS
- protected pagelock Application for financial support for emergency care
Working remotely
- chevron_right Working remotely in Switzerland
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Agreement for working remotely in Switzerland (PDF, 41 KB)
- chevron_right Remote work in the country of residence – for cross-border commuters
- protected pagelock ETH Zurich Calendar for cross-boarder commuters (XLSX, 49 KB)
- chevron_right Working in an international context
Job description
chevron_right Job descriptionAccident / supplementary insurance
- protected pagelock Accident report
- protected pagelock Information sheet accident report (PDF, 33 KB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Collective accident insurance AXA (please save locally before filling in, German) (PDF, 412 KB)
- protected pagelock Change to individual accident insurance of AXA (German) (PDF, 125 KB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Information sheet accident insurance SUVA and additional insurance AXA (PDF, 44 KB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Academic guests / visiting professors (German) (PDF, 67 KB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Documents for employment (German) (PDF, 319 KB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Documents for guests (German) (PDF, 131 KB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Entry (German) (PDF, 55 KB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Leaving (German) (PDF, 78 KB)
- protected pagelock Internal job change (PDF, 75 KB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom New in Switzerland (PDF, 109 KB)
Information sheets
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Accident insurance SUVA and additional insurance AXA Winterthur (PDF, 44 KB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Change of position to Established Researcher or Scientific Collaborators (PDF, 34 KB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Childcare in Basel (PDF, 89 KB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Childcare in Ticino (PDF, 90 KB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Directives for Doctoral Students Employed at ETH Zurich (PDF, 831 KB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Emergency childcare for ETH members (PDF, 53 KB)
- chevron_right Employment on a hourly wage basis
- chevron_right Family allowances
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Guidelines for the implementation of the regulations on on-call duty, night work, work on Sundays or public holidays (PDF, 743 KB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Handling internships and work assignments outside ETH Zurich during the doctorate (PDF, 469 KB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Handling the exchange year at the Max Planck Society for Centre for Learning Systems (CLS) doctoral fellows from ETH Zurich (PDF, 94 KB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Illness and accident (PDF, 37 KB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Job reference (PDF, 36 KB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Maternity discussion guidelines (PDF, 175 KB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Multiple activity (PDF, 36 KB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Parenthood (PDF, 162 KB)
- external pagecall_made Pension fund PUBLICA: The ETH Domain pension plan
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Reconciliation coaching for ETH members (PDF, 35 KB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Retirement (PDF, 54 KB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Risk insurance (PDF, 30 KB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Sabbatical (PDF, 42 KB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Supplementary accident insurance AXA Winterthur (PDF, 75 KB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Termination of PUBLICA pension fund (PDF, 33 KB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Uniform implementation of working hours (PDF, 41 KB)
- chevron_right Working remotely in Switzerland (e.g. from home)
Information sheets for foreign employees
Downloadvertical_align_bottom Reimbursement of Old-Age and Survivors’ Insurance (OASI) contributions for foreign employees (PDF, 40 KB)Leadership and development
- chevron_right Leadership in Practice - toolkit for supervisors
- chevron_right Appraisal interview Dialog
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Guidelines goal and assessment process (PDF, 81 KB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Self-assessment grid (PDF, 38 KB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Participation in external education/training (PDF, 161 KB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Scientific functions at ETH Zurich (PDF, 1.8 MB)
- chevron_right Sabbatical
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Sabbatical disscussion guide (PDF, 91 KB)
Legal texts are binding in the official Swiss languages only, English translations are exclusively for information purposes.
Personnel Ordinances and Regulations
- external pagecall_made Personnel Ordinance ETH domain (PVO ETH) - German
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Comment on PVO ETH - Personnel Law - German (PDF, 1.1 MB)
- external pagecall_made Personnel Ordinance ETH (PVO ETH) - French
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Comment on PVO ETH - Personnel Law - French (PDF, 1 MB)
- external pagecall_made Personnel Ordinance ETH domain (PVO ETH) - Italian
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Comment on PVO ETH - Personnel Law - English (PDF, 1018 KB)
- external pagecall_made Federal Personnel Act (BPG) - German
- external pagecall_made Federal Personnel Act (BPG) - French
- external pagecall_made Federal Personnel Act (BPG) - Italian
- external pagecall_made Framework Regulation of the Federal Personnel Act - German
- external pagecall_made Framework Regulation of the Federal Personnel Act - French
- external pagecall_made Framework Regulation of the Federal Personnel Act - Italian
- external pagecall_made Federal Act on the Federal Institutes of Technology (ETH law) - German
- external pagecall_made Federal Act on the Federal Institutes of Technology (ETH law) - French
- external pagecall_made Federal Act on the Federal Institutes of Technology (ETH law) - Italian
Sabbatical for ETH employees
Downloadvertical_align_bottom Regulations - Sabbatical for ETH employees (German)Doctoral students
chevron_right Directives doctoral students employed at ETH ZurichFurther ordinances
external pagecall_made Ordinance of the joint review panel (German)Further regulations
- chevron_right Regulations on on-call duty, night work and work on Sundays or public holidays
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Guidelines for the implementation of the regulations on on-call duty, night work and work on Sundays or public holidays (PDF, 743 KB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Guidelines on financial support for baby’s nursery places (PDF, 302 KB)
- chevron_right Regulations for the recording of working time and absences
- chevron_right Guidelines for ETH Zurich employees on reporting suspected malpractice (“Whistleblowing Guidelines”
- chevron_right Financial Regulations of ETH Zurich
HR Aktuell
- Downloadlock November 2024 - Presentation (German) (PDF, 2.2 MB)
- protected pagelock June 2024 – Presentation (German) (PDF, 2.1 MB)
- protected pagelock October 2023 – Presentation (German) (PDF, 1.5 MB)
- protected pagelock May 2023 – Presentation (German) (PDF, 2.1 MB)
- protected pagelock November 2022 – Presentation (German) (PDF, 4 MB)
- Downloadlock May 2022 – Presentation (German) (PDF, 2.4 MB)
- protected pagelock Presentation "Overview of the Swiss tax system | 2021 (PDF, 644 KB)
- protected pagelock With family at ETH Zurich (D-BSSE) (PDF, 1007 KB)
- chevron_right PUBLICA info event - video | 2017 (German)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom PUBLICA info event - presentation | 2017 (German) (PDF, 595 KB)