LK-Info (how is a course examined)

Principles, responsibilities

  • The department offering the course decides the examination procedures.
    These must be arranged in good time with the external departments.
  • All of the students on tiered programmes are examined in exactly the same way, irrespective of what programme they are on or, for instance, whether the subject is a core subject in one programme and an elective course in another programme.
  • The performance assessment information is checked and established by the chief examiner during the correction phase. (See "Dates/Changes" below)
  • The performance assessment information published in the Course Catalogue is legally binding with effect from the start of the semester.

Key information for examination scheduling

  • Chief examiner
    Only the chief examiner is authorised to change the performance assessment information.
  • Co-examiner
    For oral examinations, no more than a total of two examiners should be listed.
    The course catalogue always contains the names of all of the lecturers –irrespective of the number of examiners. The latter can only be seen on the examination schedule.
  • Session examination
  • End-of-semester examination
  • Graded semester performance
  • Ungraded semester performance

See also Types of Examination

  • If this flag is set for end-of-semester examinations, a student must re-enrol and re-attend the course in order to be able to repeat the examination.
  • If the flag is not set, a repetition date in the same semester is offered; this is only available to students repeating the examination.


Oral session examination

Details on the duration of the examination per person, the group size and the minimum duration per group, if only one person is being examined.

Written session examination

  • Details on the duration of the written examination and on the permitted help materials
  • The flag entitled "Oral exam before written exam allowed" can be set if the oral examination in the same subject is allowed to be taken before the written examination.
  • Details on simultaneity:
    All courses which must be examined at the same time and in the same room – or in different rooms – may be listed here.


  • The performance assessment information may be changed during the correction phase via eDoz. You will be requested to do this by the Schedule Office via e-mail. The correction phase is during the preceding semester.
    Once the correction phase is completed, the details on performance assessment information are published in the Course Catalogue.
  • Subsequent changes to the performance assessment information may not be amended via eDoz. For this to be done, you can only apply to the person responsible for the course catalogue.
  • Once the semester has started, all of the information published in the course catalogue is binding on all parties.
    Any changes at this late juncture are subject to authorisation (application to the Vice-Rector) and must always be discussed with the Examinations Office first (Tel. 044 632 20 68).
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