Scientific publishing
When publishing scientific works, one of the things to pay attention to is adherence to the following framework conditions and regulations:
Address format for scientific papers
To ensure that papers can be correctly linked to ETH Zurich, the following address format is exclusively used for scientific publications:
Authorship, references, institutional affiliation
Article 18 of ETH Zurich's guidelines on scientific integrity (Integrity Guidelines) regulates aspects relating to the indication of institutional affiliation in scientific publications.
Open-access policy
ETH Zurich’s open-access policy encourages all ETH Zurich scientists to publish their research results on open-access channels.
The ETH Library’s E-Publishing office provides support in implementing the open-access policy. It advises on the open-access requirements of the research funding agencies, on self-archiving in the Research Collection and on the conditions for receiving funding for publication fees charged by science publishers.
Publishing research data
ETH Zurich as well as some research funding agencies and publishers demand that the research data on which a publication is based are also made freely accessible. The ETH Library also provides the appropriate support for this.
Further links relating to publishing
- chevron_right Allocation of ISBN at ETH Zurich
- chevron_right ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) at ETH Zurich
- chevron_right Scientific writing at ETH Zurich
- chevron_right Information on citation rules and plagiarism
- chevron_right Publishing examination theses and dissertations (Doctoral theses)
- chevron_right Publishing examination theses and dissertations (Master’s and Bachelor’s theses, student papers and semester papers)
- chevron_right Courses and advisory services at the ETH Library
Suggesting topics for science communication
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