ETH News
All stories that have been tagged with Architecture and spatial planning
Timber, earth and a digital ecosystem for sustainable construction

Two flagship projects from Innosuisse have been launched at ETH Zurich with the aim of transforming the Swiss construction industry in a sustainable way: While "Swircular" lays the foundation for a circular construction industry, "Think Earth" enables regenerative construction with timber and earth.
Bridging the Gap with Policy Fellow Regina Witter
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The new ETH Policy Fellowship aims to foster greater understanding between government and the academic world. Regina Witter from the Federal Office for Spatial Development was among the first cohort to take part.
How ETH knowledge and local expertise are helping the reconstruction of Ukraine

Two years ago, Russia launched its war of aggression against Ukraine. One direct consequence of the conflict is the destruction of buildings and infrastructure. Now an exhibition in the ETH Main Building entitled “ETH with Ukraine” is showing how buildings, facilities and the environment in Ukraine can be protected or restored.
Lightweight insulating building elements from a 3D printer

A doctoral researcher studying architecture at ETH Zurich is using 3D printing to produce lightweight insulation building components from cement-free mineral foams derived from recycled industrial waste. These could cut heating and cooling costs for buildings, and encourage more efficient use of construction materials.
ETH historic building renovated to current-day standards

An ETH Zurich architectural centrepiece – the machine laboratory– has been renovated. The historically significant machine hall has been extensively restored to its original condition. The renovation provides ETH with additional space for research and teaching.
The man who thinks big
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Christophe Girot brought landscape architecture into the digital world and taught a generation of architects how to think on a larger scale. After more than 20 years as an ETH Professor, he is now retiring.
For a more sustainable and fairer world
Globe magazine

Maria Conen advocates the conservation and reuse of existing buildings – and not just for reasons of sustainability.
“Yes, but not like this!” – Why densification often lacks public acceptance

Densification is a fundamental principle of urban planning and development today. Nevertheless, it often encounters local resistance. A group of ETH researchers has now systematically investigated factors influencing public acceptance of densification, focusing on the canton of Zurich and six cities of global importance. One key factor: affordable housing.
Calculate or co-create?
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Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder – yet how do we find consensus on a shared amenity such as a neighbourhood? We took a stroll with two ETH architects to discover how they see their role as mediators between the conflicting priorities of urban consolidation, functionalism and aesthetics.
Avatars populate a utopian city

An exhibition in the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain, features ETH Zurich architects who show their vision of utopia - a vertical city built by drones, developed in 2012. Along with computer scientists, they have now populated the structure with autonomous avatars.
Shelter, stability and beauty

After 15 years as Professor of Architecture and Construction, Annette Spiro recently retired to become professor emerita. Her lectures and publications inspired a whole generation of architecture students at ETH Zurich.
Robots build new hanging gardens
Press release

With the help of artificial intelligence and four collaborative robots, researchers at ETH Zurich are designing and fabricating a 22.5-metre-tall green architectural sculpture.
Cultural site and pioneering construction from a 3D printer

The 23-metre-high tower made of 3D-printed columns is to become a cultural site in Mulegns, a village on the Julier Pass with just 16 inhabitants. The structure is being planned by ETH architects and engineers. Construction is scheduled to start in spring 2022 with robots printing the tower’s components on site.
Juggling with constant change
Globe magazine

A cultural landscape reflects the combined activity of nature and humans. Where has the equilibrium of this union been lost? And how can we restore the balance?
Pioneers of sustainable architecture

ETH Professor Emeritus Anne Lacaton and her partner Jean-Philippe Vassal have received this year’s Pritzker Prize for their social and sustainable architecture. The prize is regarded as the Nobel Prize of the architecture world. ETH celebrated this success on Wednesday with a virtual event of honour, which was attended by ETH President Joël Mesot as well as the two prize winners.
Interdisciplinary cooperation
Globe magazine

Ten years ago, ETH took the bold step of establishing a presence abroad in the form of its very own research centre. This year, the Singapore-ETH Centre launched its third research programme – and new insights are already making their way back to Switzerland.
A university for the guardians of the rainforest
Globe magazine

The Inga hope a university will keep their indigenous heritage alive, safeguard the natural habitat of the Colombian rainforest and give the younger generation a future. Anne Lacaton, Professor of Architecture and Design, spent two semesters supporting the project with her students.
Crooked to the millimetre

The technology pioneered by the ETH spin-off allows blocks to be positioned with pinpoint accuracy, creating structures with aesthetic designs and augmented acoustics.
Experiments in the kitchen and architectural models in the sandpit

What happens when COVID-19 means architecture students have to get by without a workshop, electrical engineers without high-voltage laboratories and environmental scientists without field trips.
New professors appointed

Experimental epidemiology; bio-inspired micro- and nanorobotics; ultrafast processes in materials; forest resources Management; construction heritage and preservation; social networks: the incoming professors work in a wide range of cutting-edge research fields.
Podcast with Gerhard Schmitt

“It’s quiet in Singapore, it’s cooler – and you can make remarkable scientific findings right now,” says Gerhard Schmitt, Director of the SEC. The coronavirus crisis has turned the megacity into a giant research lab.
Designing the future

From autumn, ETH Zurich will offer a Master’s programme in Landscape Architecture – a first for a Swiss university. The demand for landscape architects is greater than ever, say professors Christoph Girot and Teresa Galí-Izard.
Rethinking healthcare systems

ETH Zurich is planning to step up its research activities in Singapore. It aims to extend its current Future Resilient Systems programme by five years and to launch a new programme, Future Health Technologies, in the coming year.
The relationship between ornaments and crystals

At the Architecture Biennial in Venice, a group of students, a colour artist, an architect and an ETH surface physicist will examine the symmetries of ornaments at the Basilica di San Marco. There will be an accompanying exhibition.