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How it all began
The IT Services had its beginnings in the ETH dome! For this reason, the ITS logo is a reference to the beginnings and to the dome roof of ETH Zurich. You can read how it all began in the respective post in the ITS Blog.

IT Services writes history
ITS History
- Part 1: The creation of the ITS logo
- Part 2: Through the ages of technology
- Part 3: The origins of ITSM
- Part 4: IT Training Lab - "IT vocational training at ETH" Episode 1
- Part 5: IT Training Lab - "IT vocational training at ETH" Episode 2
- Part 6: How time flies – A review of the innovation that made punch cards a thing of the past at ETH
ETH History
- Part 1: Internet access at ETH
- Part 2: "Email is useless" - Obstacles facing the pioneers at ETH
- Development overview: Download Computer antiquities at ETH (PDF, 7.3 MB) (Pictures: ETH/Peter Staub/ID)
IT Finds at ETH Zurich / What do you associate with it?
The portraits are only available in German.
25 years ETH
- chevron_right Enzo Gallizzi
- chevron_right Armin Wittmann
- chevron_right Danuta Rogalski
- chevron_right Christian Hallquvist
- chevron_right Tilo Steiger
- chevron_right Margreth Stammbach
- chevron_right Ralph Curschmann
- chevron_right Irene Furrer
- chevron_right Atila Alhambra
- chevron_right Urs Meile
- chevron_right Gustav Trost
- chevron_right Eveline Blöchlinger
- chevron_right Bruno Knutti
- chevron_right Melanie Müller
20 years ETH
- chevron_right Sandrine Goethals
- chevron_right Benjamin Baum
- chevron_right Sabine Hoffmann
- chevron_right Derk Valenkamp
- chevron_right Juraj Novak
- chevron_right Christopher Sauder Engeler
- chevron_right Stefan Benz
- chevron_right Melanie Koller
- chevron_right Nathalie Schmidig
- chevron_right David Karas
- chevron_right Tom Rechsteiner
- chevron_right Dordaneh Arangeh
- chevron_right Walter Niederer
- chevron_right Matteo Corti
- chevron_right Armin Wittmann
- chevron_right Swen Vermeul
- chevron_right Otto Stadelmann
- chevron_right Thomas Schler
- chevron_right René Müller
- chevron_right Reto Ambühler
- chevron_right Christian Hallqvist
- chevron_right Stefan Eppensteiner
- chevron_right Benno Luthiger Stoll
- chevron_right Felix Etter
- chevron_right Ruedi Friederich
- chevron_right Stephen Sheridan