Project team

Digital Campus is a project of the Rectorate and is supported by the Academic Services and the IT Services. The core team of the preliminary project consists of three people.

Core team preliminary project

Beat Monstein

«With over 30 years of professional experience in project and line management for financial service providers, I have acquired a solid wealth of experience and leadership skills. I know how to guide teams through the jungle of change with a wink and a certain equanimity. Whenever the world of big projects seems like a complex puzzle, a smile and a little humour help in finding solutions together.»

Beat Monstein
  • HG D 56
  • +41 44 632 81 26

Akademische Dienste (AkD)
Rämistrasse 101
8092 Zürich

Dr. Christian Ritzer

«I completed my doctorate in physics at ETH Zurich at the beginning of 2020, whereby the focus was on medical technology. Since then, I have been working as a team leader in a follow-up project. In summer 2023, I joined the Digital Campus project part-time and focused on the technical requirements and the preparation for a possible cloud integration.»

Dr. Christian Ritzer
  • +41 44 633 81 23

Academic Services (AkD)
Rämistrasse 101
HG D 56
8092 Zürich

Flavia Taras

«Hello, this is me, Flavia. I grew up in Romania and have been living in Switzerland for about six years. In June 2023 I joined the Digital Campus team. Before that, I had been studying at ETH for six years to pursue my interests in technology, science and the environment. Parallel to my work at ETH, I am doing my Master in Computer Science at UZH.

Otherwise, you can find me chatting about personal things near a bouldering wall, laughing a lot and dreaming of one day having written a book.»

Flavia Taras
  • HG D 56
  • +41 44 632 25 02

Akademische Dienste (AkD)
Rämistrasse 101
8092 Zürich

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