
The Digital Campus project is divided into the four sub-projects WELBA, FAVOR, TEVOR and Selective Procedure. It also has several steering groups and mechanisms.

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Enlarged view: Organisational chart of the project -- click for larger view
Organisation chart of the Digital Campus project

DC/WELBA committee

The committee defines the strategic goals and framework for the project and monitors and grades the progress of the project against the defined goals. The committee also makes important decisions regarding the budget, schedule and scope of the project.

DC project management

The project manager plans, organizes and monitors all aspects of the project from start to finish. He is responsible for resource planning, budgeting, scheduling and compliance with quality standards. The project manager also regularly documents and reports on the project status to stakeholders.

Support group

The support group plays a role in the quality control of Digital Campus. It ensures that defined quality standards and objectives are adhered to. This includes reviewing mile­stones, monitoring compliance of best practices and assessing processes to ensure the effectiveness of the project. The group can also carry out quality audits and recommend measures for continuous improvement.

Requirements management

The Team Portfolio Management (TPM) is the body that plays an important role in require­ments management within the Digital Campus. It is responsible for defining, documenting and prioritizing the requirements for Digital Campus. Requirements management includes collecting requirements, checking them for completeness and consistency and prioritizing them based on the strategic goals of the project.


The aim of the sub-project "WELBA - WeiterEntwicklung LehrBetriebsApplikationen" (Further development of academic applications) is to ensure the continued operation and limited further development of the current academic applications.


The aim of the sub-project "FAVOR - FAchliche VORbereitung" (Functional preparation) is to establish the technical fundamentals for Digital Campus. This includes identifying, upda­ting and expanding the existing documentation with regard to functional scope and repor­ting, identifying requirements for functions that are not included in an external solution and providing an environment for collaboration.


The aim of the "TEVOR - TEchnical VORbereitung" (Technical preparation) sub-project is to create the technical fundamentals for the migration project. This includes updating and expanding the existing documentation, identifying and documenting the affected systems, providing the necessary tools and setting up the technical infrastructure based on the outlined target architecture.

Selective procedure

The selective procedure consists of two steps: In the first step, companies submit a preliminary application (Request for Information) in which they outline their qualifications. In the second step, Digital Campus selects companies that are allowed to submit detailed offers (Request for Proposals). The final selection is made on the basis of these offers.