Update on the Cononavirus
The situation regarding the Coronavirus is constantly evolving: updated information for ETH members.
Due to the increasing number of Coronavirus infections in Switzerland, the Federal Council has issued a ban on events involving more than 1,000 people until 15 March. Whether the ban will be maintained after 15 March 2020 is currently open.
At the moment lectures at ETH are still taking place normally.
We recommend ETH members refrain from travelling to China and to other countries where the Coronavirus has spread in a significant way, i.e. Japan, South Korea and Italy. ETH employees, students and guests returning from these countries are not allowed to attend ETH events or enter ETH premises for 14 days after leaving these countries.
After a stay in such countries, ETH employees have to work from home for 14 days after their return, unless important operational reasons require their presence and they can work in an individual office. The final decision is the supervisor’s responsibility, after consultation with SSHE occupational medicine ().
If you experience symptoms of illness (cough, fever, breathing difficulties) after a stay in an affected region, please call your family doctor or the medical emergency number (0800 33 66 55).
We advise all ETH members to observe the following precautions, also for coping with the current flu outbreak:
- Wash your hands regularly
- Observe strict hygiene when coughing or sneezing – cover your mouth or nose with the crook of your arm, use tissues and dispose of them immediately after use
- Avoid close contact with anyone showing flu-like symptoms
- Avoid handshakes
- Anyone feeling unwell, having fever, cough or breathing difficulties has to stay at home
If you have any questions or are uncertain about anything, please do not hesitate to contact us directly at .
More information:
- https://ethz.ch/services/en/service/safety-security-health-environment/health-protection.html
- external page https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/en/home/krankheiten/ausbrueche-epidemien-pandemien/aktuelle-ausbrueche-epidemien/novel-cov.html
- external page https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/influenza-(seasonal)
The measures taken by ETH Zurich
ETH Zurich's prevention measures with regard to coronavirus are based on the recommendations of the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (SFOPH). However, they go beyond them for the following reasons: At ETH Zurich, 30,000 people from over 120 nations work and study in a relatively small area. In addition, there are numerous collaborations with organisations around the world due to the strong international network. Many professional profiles at ETH Zurich also require a lot of travel. In addition, in the event of an infection, it would hardly be possible to identify all the contact persons at a university.