IT Service catalogue

The provision of IT services at ETH Zurich is carried out by IT Services which acts as a central ICT provider. Additionally, it provides departments with IT Support groups.

All requests and incident reports are managed and evaluated via the central ticket system. Response and resolution times, quality, security incidents and the ticket survey are collected in order to take any corrective or optimising measures.

Available services



Cloud subscription


Public cloud services based on the specifications of the Federal Data Protection Officer and the Data Protection Officer of the Canton Zurich and in consultation with the ETH Legal Service, the Chief Information Security Officer and Chief IT Security Officer of IT Services. Read on


With the chat system you can communicate confidentially in real time in pairs or in groups. Read on
> protected pageSLA Chat

Mobile telephony

The service Mobile telephony is an additional offer for mobile telephony at ETH Zurich and complements fixed network voice communication. Read on

Softphone telephony

A softphone is a software application that is installed on a PC, laptop or mobile device to operate telephony as a software solution. Read on

Voice communication (telephony)

Administration of ETH business numbers. Read on



Hosting, monitoring and backup of MS SQL databases for organisational units at ETH Zurich. Read on
> protected pageSLA MS SQL



Hosting, monitoring and backup of MySQL databases for organisational units at ETH Zurich. Read on
> protected pageSLA Managed MySQL
> protected pageSLA Unmanaged MySQL



Relational database management system largely compliant with the SQL standard ANSI-​SQL 2008. Read on
> protected pageSLA PostgreSQL

Mail archive

Copy of mail items from the mailbox, to an archive system with web-based full text search and including attachments. Read on
> protected pageSLA Mail und Groupware


Access to the personal mail profile incl. calendar and contact data based on Microsoft Exchange. Read on
> protected pageSLA Mail und Groupware

Mail filter

The mail filtering service scans incoming mail for spam, phishing, malware and scam messages. Read on
> protected pageSLA Mail und Groupware

Sympa mailing lists

The sympa mailing list system offers closed and open mailing lists as well as moderated and unmoderated discussion groups. Read on
> protected pageSLA Sympa-Mailinglisten

Active Directory

User accounts, computers, group information and group policies are administered in the Active Directory. Read on
> protected pageSLA Active directory

Active Directory Federation Service

The Active Directory Federation Service manages the various federation trusts with internal/external service providers. Read on
> protected pageSLA Active Directory Federation Services

Authentication and authorisation infrastructure

Service used across various organisations that regulates and simplifies access to networked resources. Read on
> protected pageSLA AAI

Identity and access management

Central administration of all the IT services and relevant identity data at ETH. Read on
> protected pageSLA Identity und Access Management


Authentication, authorisation and information service based on the OpenLDAP software. Read on
> protected pageSLA LDAP

Multifactor authentication

Multifactor authentication as best practice for protecting digital identities and applications. Read on


SWITCH edu-​ID is a digital identity for lifelong access to services in the university environment. Read on

Audio-/video production

Creating videos for documenting projects, the ideas of individuals and institutions or the visualisation of scientific research. Read on
> protected pageSLA Audio-/Videoproduktion (in German)

A/V checkout service

Free leaning of equipment for recording or playback of audio and video for students and organisational ETH units. Read on
> protected pageSLA Ausleihdienst Multimediageräte

A/V infrastructure consulting and planning

Consulting and planning of audio/video infrastructure in lecture halls, seminar rooms and meeting rooms. Read on
> protected pageSLA A/V-Infrastruktur Beratung/Planung

Digital signage

Infrastructure and support for the operation of information monitors: from electronic door signs to video walls. Read on
> protected pageSLA Digital Signage

Event recording

Manual recording of events, conferences and lectures at ETH. Read on
> protected pageSLA Event-Technik (in German)

Lecture recording

Automatic recording of events, conferences and lectures at ETH in it equipped rooms. Read on
> protected pageSLA Vorlesungsaufzeichnung

Technical support in auditoriums and seminar rooms

Technical support in auditoriums and seminar rooms of the Rectorate. Read on
> protected pageSLA Hörsaal/Seminarraum-Maintenance & Support

Video conferencing

Presentation transmission (content sharing) from the workplace as well as both large and small special meeting rooms and specific lecture halls. Read on

Video distribution

Publication of videos on the ETh video portal, ETH websites, and event live streaming. Read on
> protected pageSLA Videodistribution

Data centre network connectivity

Wired access to the ETH network in server rooms. Read on

Office network connectivity

Distributed wireless and bound access to the ETH network within the ETH campus. Read on


The proxy service allows computers that are not directly connected to the Internet to make use of internet services. Read on

Remote network connectivity

Access to the ETH network from outside the ETH campus. Read on


The connection to the internet architecture SCION takes place through SWITCHlan. Read on

Print service

Copier and printer with follow-​me-printing with appropriate cost allocation. Read on
> protected pageSLA Print Service für Mitarbeitende
> protected pageSLA Print Service für ETH-nahe Einheiten

Print service for students

Prepay stations for copying and printing. Read on
> protected pageSLA Print Service für Studierende

Contract management and purchasing


Central procurement and contract management for IT hardware, software and/or IT services. Read on



eSign enables the customer to sign digital documents electronically and in compliance with the law. Read on
> protected pageSLA eSign

Hardware sell-off for the Central Bodies (HWA-ZO)


Employees of the central bodies have the opportunity to purchase hardware no longer used and decommissioned at ETH for private use. Read on
> protected pageSLA Hardware-Abverkauf für die Zentralen Organe

IT Shop


The IT Shop is a centralised portal that allows ETH members to obtain self service IT and management services. Visit the IT Shop. Read on
> to the protected pageIT Shop
> protected pageSLA IT-Shop


eSiegel supports the customer with electronically stamping official ETH documents. Read on
> protected pageSLA eSiegel

IT security consulting and auditing

Advice to improve your IT security system. Read on

Network anomaly detection

Monitoring of the entire ETH network for irregularities and potential hazards. Read on
> protected pageSLA Network Anomaly Detection

PKI certificate management

Support in purchasing, administration, storage and rolling-​out of various types of certificates. Read on
> protected pageSLA PKI Zertifikatsmanagement

System health service

Monitors IT systems in the ETH Zurich network and evaluates risks and vulnerabilities. Read on
> protected pageSLA System Health Service

Kubernetes as a Service

Kubernetes as a Service (KaaS) offers customers Kubernetes clusters with full administrator rights. Read on
> protected pageSLA Kubernetes as a Service

Leonhard Med Secure Scientific Platform

Specialized solutions for the secure handling of strictly confidential and confidential data. Read on
> protected pageSLA Leonhard Med Secure Scientific Platform



The Polycloud service provides virtual machine (VM) management in hybrid cloud. Read on
> protected pageSLA Polycloud (in German)

Scientific compute clusters

Design, procurement, installation and operation of central clusters for High Performance Computing and Big Data applications. Read on
> protected pageSLA Scientific compute clusters

Virtual servers

Provisioning of virtual servers running VMWare ESX (Linux-​based or Windows-​based), including operating on request. Read on
> protected pageSLA Virtuelle Server

Application portfolio management

The IT Services securely manages and supports the software application portfolios of ETH organisational units. Read on

CRM (Dynamics 365) as a Service

The IT Services advise and assist you with the implementation of "your" Customer Relationship Managment (CRM) system. Read on

Management support for courses and events

Providing comprehensive support for course and event planning with a standard software application. Read on
> protected pageSLA Unterstützung Management Kurse/Anlässe


The newsletter service is available to ETH employees, lecturers, and board members of student associations. Read on

Research data management

Providing to research groups a way to annotate, store, and managing experimental & computational data. Read on
> protected pageSLA Research Data Node
> protected pageSLA Research Data Hub

Software consulting

ETH organisational units can request a software related consulting service from the IT Services department. Read on

Software projects

The IT Services perform software projects on behalf of ETH organisational units within a framework of a relevant project agreement. Read on

Backup and restore

Daily, automatic backup of file systems / databases, and restore all backed up data in case of disaster. Read on
> protected pageSLA Backup und Restore


Automatic data backup for mobile device users and data recovery for mobile devices. Read on
> protected pageSLA Clientbackup

Cost defined storage

Storing large amounts of data with minimal hardware and service costs. Read on
> protected pageSLA Cost Defined Storage

Long term storage

“Storage worthy” long-term preservation of compressed and unstructured data. Read on
> protected pageSLA Long Term Storage

Network attached storage

Centrally managed network storage for ETH organisational units. Read on
> protected pageSLA Network Attached Storage


The personal, on the Internet accessible, “Dropbox”-like storage space in the ETH cloud. Read on
> protected pageSLA polybox

ETH internal IT courses

Current ETH internal IT courses. Visit the IT courses

IT Training and Compicampus

IT courses for internal and external applications and on general IT topics. Read on
> protected pageSLA IT Training und Compicampus

For questions regarding an official ETH website (, please consult the webpage AEM Websites.  

Blog hosting

Provides an infrastructure for managing subject-specific blogs for ETH members and organisational units. Read on
> protected pageSLA Blogs

Collaborative LaTeX editor Overleaf

The collaborative LaTeX editor Overleaf offers real-time collabo­ration by multiple authors on LaTex online documents. Read on
> protected pageSLA Overleaf

Data dashboard

Data visualisation provides an easy-to-use method to identify and understand trends, spikes and patterns in data. Read on

Gallery hosting

Filing system for the storage and presentation of images. Read on
> protected pageSLA Galerie Hosting

Online surveys

Web based tool which offers all the necessary features for the creation, execution and analysis of surveys and evaluations. Read on
> protected pageSLA Online Umfragen

Personal website

Operation of Linux-based web applications and hosting of personal websites for ETH members. Read on
> protected pageSLA Persönliche Website

Redirect management tool

With the Redirect Management Tool redirects of the old URLs to the new URLs can be configured. Read on
> protected pageSLA Redirect Mangement Tool

Revision control

The revision control service enables version management to be handled centrally for files and directories. Read on
> protected pageSLA Versionsverwaltung

SharePoint Online

SharePoint Online and OneDrive in Microsoft 365 are cloud-based services that support collaboration in project teams and departments. Read on
> protected pageSLA SharePoint Online (in German)

URL shortener

Generating automatically shortened URLs. Read on
> protected pageSLA URL Shortener

Web hosting

Linux based web infrastructure for dynamic websites. Read on
> protected pageSLA Web Hosting

Wiki hosting Confluence

Managing wiki websites on our centrally operated platform. Read on
> protected pageSLA Confluence

Client delivery and management


Setup and operation of clients and servers for different operating systems over the network. Read on
> Various SLAs

Online examinations


Providing and maintaining specially monitored Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) for online tests at ETH.
Visit the LET webpage for more information

PC workstations for ETH-affiliated units


PC workstations and IT support for ETH-affiliated units as well as teaching and research facilities outside the academic departements. Read on

Service by ISG


Cost-efficient, scalable and secure provision of commodity IT solutions and management of IT workplaces for ETH organizational units and ETH-related or associated organizational units. Read on
> protected pageSLA Service by ISG

Student computer classrooms and labs


The computer classrooms are provided for online exams, lectures, classes and for general use. Read on

Virtual desktop infrastructure

Providing virtual desktops or workstations in any number within a short time. Read on
> protected pageSLA Virtuelle Desktop Infrastruktur

Windows-based workstation


Fully managed and standardised Windows based IT-​workplace for the central bodies. Read on
> protected pageSLA WAP-ZO

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