IT Training
IT Training offers deals and consulting on IT topics. Customised training can be carried out through internal or external training partners.
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Course offers
IT knowledge is highly individual and the required knowledge can change rapidly depending on the field of work of the project. Therefore, the best approach to training is to make a solution which suits an individual or a team.
ETH internal courses
We offer ETH internal courses for ETH-specific IT topics. These are e.g. AEM, Baramundi, IPv6, network technology, openBIS, SAP or VPZ-Owner training courses. These courses can be booked directly and are billed internally via fund numbers.
External courses
For standard IT courses we use out training partners Digicomp and Migros Klubschule. Theses providers offer a wide range of courses which are designed for rapid learning. The courses take place in Switzerland at the providers offices. Courses can be booked directly.
Individual group courses
We are happy to advise you regarding individual IT group courses. Please contact us.
Herdt Campus
Additional ETH internal training options
Customer groups and costs
The course programmes are available to all ETH staff and students. The cost for each course are shown when booking a course or are shown on request for individual IT training.
ETH Zurich
IT Services
Binzmühlestrasse 130