Barrier-Free at ETH Zurich
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A new and clearer website on the topic of accessibility is now available with information on counselling, services, events and news. This website on “Barrier-free at ETH Zurich” will be archived at the beginning of 2025.

“Barrier-Free at ETH Zurich” project enters new phase
ETH Zurich is committed to accessibility: over the course of the next few years, people with disabilities or people with special needs – whether students, lecturers, researchers, staff or visitors – should benefit from greatly improved access to ETH buildings and services. The cornerstone of the ETH-wide implementation programme is the institutional approach to the issue and the development of an open and inclusive culture.
The proposed measures will be implemented in 14 sub-projects under three categories: “Construction, Building usage and Architecture”, “Organisation and Culture” and “Technology, Communication and Teaching”. The current situation was assessed as part of the synonymous situation analysis project launched in 2018, and a plan of action was compiled.
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Internal News 01/25 "Don`t be afraid to ask for support"
From unreliable technology to active support: Timo Stühlinger, a PhD student at ETH Zurich who is hard of hearing, talks about his everyday life at ETH - and what it takes to overcome barriers.
"Success stories" at the Disability Rights Action Days
As part of the Disability Rights Action Days, which took place in May and Juni, ETH Zurich was presenting the "Design for all" campaign and organized various events. Two "success stories" report on a lunch-tour at the ETH-Library and an online course by Corporate Communications:
- external page What does an accessible library need? (in German)
- external page Introduction to Digital Accessibility (in German)
Exhibition "Barrier-free at ETH Zurich"
There will be a showcase of the "Barrier-Free at ETH Zurich" programme in the exhibition area at the building OCT in Oerlikon. Measures that have already been implemented and those currently in planning will be presented (German text only) with interactive elements, with the audience encouraged to try them out. Exhibits, photographs and videos provide an insight into the ways in which ETH is making itself more accessible. A website describes the exhibition.
- From 09.05.23 until beginning of 2025, 7:30am-6pm (Mo-Fr), Oerlikon, OCT, E floor (next to the reception).
Reporting Q3/24 (in German)
The latest Download reporting Q3/24 (PDF, 196 KB) informs about the status of the sub-projects, ongoing activities and achieved results or quick wins.
- chevron_right Barrier-free @ETH-Library (SP14)
- chevron_right Accessible teaching material (SP13)
- chevron_right Digital Accessibility (SP11)
- chevron_right Design for all - campaign and events (SP10)
- chevron_right Exhibition "Barrier-free at ETH Zurich" (TP10)
- chevron_right Barrier-free buildings (SP9)
- chevron_right Accessible events (SP7)
- chevron_right Barrier-free signage (SP5)
- chevron_right Courses
- chevron_right Audio systems
- chevron_right Directions for visually impaired people
- chevron_right Barrier-free parking
- chevron_right Barrier-free toilets
- Download vertical_align_bottom Quiet rooms (PDF, 1.7 MB)
- chevron_right Public Tours
- external page call_made Barrier-free @ASVZ
- chevron_right HR Consulting (for employees)
- chevron_right Counselling and Coaching Center (for students)
Mission and Goals
- The idea behind the project is to ensure that everyone as far as possible, with or without disabilities or special needs, is able to access ETH Zurich’s services.
- A culture of openness and inclusivity should be developed and ETH standards of “design for all” defined.
- Existing buildings as well as technologies and teaching should be adapted barrier-free.
- Measures to improve the current situation will be implemented in 14 sub-projects in 3 categories (sub-projects see below).
- A key concern of ETH Zurich is to involve affected members of ETH, relevant external organisations and stakeholders in order to find the most practical and needs-oriented solutions possible.

Sub-projects 1-9, for example the implementation of the signage concept or the adaptation of existing buildings, fall under the category “Construction, Building Usage and Architecture”.
Sub-project manager: Dominik Jenni, Real Estate Management
This sub-project focuses on expanding existing expertise and establishing new expertise in terms of applicable legislation and standards, and most importantly the overarching concept of “design for all”. This expertise will be applied to construction-based measures in existing and new buildings; for example, the evacuation concept and the implementation of signage.
Barrier-free compliance in new buildings and renovations
The sub-project was completed and the results were transferred to daily business.
Sub-project manager: Dominik Jenni, Real Estate Management
This sub-project focuses on using the established expertise (SP1) to generate "design for all" guidelines to be implemented internally at ETH and communicated externally.
Barrier-free compliance in new buildings and renovations
The sub-project was completed and the results were transferred to daily business.
Sub-project manager: Dominik Jenni, Real Estate Management
Based on the established expertise (SP1) and implemented guidelines (SP2), this sub-project focuses on generating a concept for barrier-free compliance in new buildings and large-scale renovations. An effective quality management system will be established.
Barrier-free compliance in new buildings and renovations
The sub-project was completed and the results were transferred to daily business.
Sub-project manager: Rainer Schwab, Facility Management
This sub-project focuses on introducing periodic inspections when the buildings are operational to ensure barrier-free access to the buildings and barrier-free movement within the buildings.
The sub-project was completed and the results were transferred to daily business.
Sub-project manager: Corinne Jordan, Campus Services
This sub-project focuses on general orientation to and within the building (rooms, floors, lifts, etc.). It also ensures that barrier-free routes (e.g. ramps and lifts to avoid stairs) and routes to the information desks are adequately signposted.
Sub-project manager: Roland Nisple, SSHE
This sub-project focuses first on upgrading the audio/visual alarm systems, and second on devising a barrier-free escape/evacuation concept.
The sub-project was completed and the results were transferred to daily business.
Sub-project manager: Thomas Meissner and Andrea Stutz, Campus Services
Sub-project 7 is dedicated to making events barrier-free. A web page devoted to organising inclusive, accessible events is available to all ETH members. The University has also purchased barrier-free registration desks for events so that people in wheelchairs can be welcomed at eye level. Financial support for sign language interpreting at ETH events will be offered for the duration of the sub-project until Q2/24.
Organising inclusive, accessible events
The sub-project was completed and the results were transferred to daily business.
Sub-project manager: Betty Friedrich-Grube, PMO
This sub-project will focus on implementing ad hoc measures that will enable ETH members with a disability or impairment to work or study. ETH members’ individual concerns and enquiries will be examined and implemented as a matter of priority. As the implementation programme progresses, individual enquiries should dwindle or become redundant as a result of the structural improvements achieved in other sub-projects.
Sub-project manager: Dominik Jenni, Real Estate Management
This sub-project focuses on adapting existing buildings in line with “design for all” and SIA 500. Measures that minimise risk or significantly enhance compliance will be implemented as a matter of priority.
Category "Organisation and Culture"

Sub-project 10 falls under the category “Organisation and Culture”.
Sub-project manager: Romila Storjohann, VPIN
Sub-project 10 focuses on informing ETH members about the topic of “accessibility” and aiding their understanding of a barrier-free university through articles, events and campaigns or an interactive exhibition in the building OCT.
Category "Technology, Communication and Teaching"

Sub-projects 11-14, for example a barrier-free guidance via app or barrier-free teaching material and library media, fall under the category “Technology, Communication and Teaching”.
Sub-project manager: Manu Heim, CC
This sub-project focuses on ensuring that our communication channels are barrier-free through developing or revising guidelines, carrying out training and verifying barrier-free communication on an ongoing basis. Existing communication channels are also adapted to ensure that they are barrier-free.
Sub-project manager: Hans-Peter Dennler, ITS
This sub-project focuses on upgrading the ETH app to enable barrier-free orientation on campus and in the ETH Zurich buildings. The barrier-free guidance must also be revised on the ETH website.
Sub-project manager: Anton Bolfing, UTL
Sub-protect 13 involves developing and broadening specialist knowledge regarding barrier-free teaching materials. Existing teaching applications are being checked for accessibility and updated accordingly. Lecturers are also being advised and supported with information and training to ensure that their teaching and their teaching materials are accessible in the future.
The sub-project was completed and the results were transferred to daily business.
Sub-project manager: André Reichmuth and Cindy Hertach (Stv. Merja Hoppe), ETH Library
Sub-project 14 focuses on developing and expanding expertise on barrier-free library media and making it available online. Employees of ETH libraries are also offered training and awareness courses. Accessible study spaces are being set up in some libraries.
The sub-project was completed and the results were transferred to daily business.
OCT F 37
Binzmühlestrasse 130
Organization chart
Download Project organization «Barrier-Free at ETH Zurich» (PDF, 33 KB)

The ETH Competence Centre for Rehabilitation Engineering and Science (RESC) coordinates ETH Zurich’s external page Rehab Initiative. The competence centre RESC is a nexus of expertise from academia, hospitals, industry, government, healthcare, disability organisations, and other NPOs. Its mission is the establishment of a holistic rehabilitation approach to better meet the needs of patients and people with physical disabilities by facilitating research and transfer, fostering an interdisciplinary network, and raising awareness along the continuum-of-care.

As a platform, CYBATHLON connects society, research and development, and people with disabilities in an emotional, positive, and unique way. Since the idea first came to Professor Robert Riener at ETH Zurich back in 2013, more than 100 teams from all over the world have taken part in various CYBATHLON events. The teams are challenged to develop assistive technologies suitable for everyday use with and for people with disabilities. Cheered on by thousands of spectators around the world, in recent years CYBATHLON has shown the obstacles that people with disabilities encounter in their daily lives and how technology can contribute to a world without barriers.