Where does the project currently stand?

Improvements are currently being made as part of the project. Data is being collected on usage behaviour. In autumn, there will be a survey for all OCT employees and in autumn the project management will also decide on any necessary adjustments.

Open Space in the OCT building
Office Space in der OCT building (Photo: ETH Zurich)

Status: January 20, 2025

In June 2024 the last new employees moved into the OCT building with the apprentices and their groups. This marks the end of the relocation and most of the work on the project will be completed.

Almost 830 employees are be working at the OCT – at 554 desks, in 72 think tanks, 39 meeting rooms and many other modules.

Feedback on the new working environments has often been positive so far. A couple of "improvements" are made.

Current and past improvements following the relocations

These include, among other things:

  • Deactivating ceiling and plant lighting that is no longer necessary
  • Replacing or re-gluing defective carpet tiles
  • Moving floor boxes where necessary
  • Hanging think tank monitors at the correct height if required
  • Add additional drawers/flaps to storage elements (where appropriate and material is still available)
  • Adjust waste disposal stations (are placed and maintained by Facility Services, so please leave them in place)
  • Check the swarm function of the lights and reprogram if necessary (due to this function, neighboring lights also go on and not just the light nearby, so that no one has to sit in a spotlight)
  • Repurpose zones that are not being used
  • Replace furniture and make small layout adjustments
  • Set up additional sofa corners
  • Check QR codes or table numbers for workstation identification
  • Acoustic measures, if necessary (e.g. curtain in quiet zone)

Data evaluation

There will be a data-based evaluation of utilization in the OCT. This will be anonymized and carried out in the following ways:

  • Building: Access to the OCT with a badge is recorded and evaluated. Important: Please change your address or office space in ETHIS or on this page if this applies to you.
  • Meeting rooms and think tanks: Existing sensors in the meeting rooms and think tanks record usage. In the case of meeting rooms, the actual usage is compared with the bookings. Important here: Please release meeting rooms if you do not need them.

Survey: your opinion counts

In September 2024, the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW has conducted a survey among OCT employees on the FoW@OCT project. Your opinion counts. We thank you for your feedback. You can also continue to submit feedback to your user representatives. They will collect it for your unit. The protected page results are now available (in German).

Project completion

The project "Futur of Work @ OCT" is now completed. The protected page conclusion summarises the project once more (in German). 

Defects that are not part of the project

We are happy to point out things here that are not part of the project. Please contact the relevant department if you have any questions.

  • Defects in the building
    E.g. blinds, toilets → In such cases, send a report to Facility Services.
  • Equipment issues
    E.g. kitchen, toilets → Submits a report to Facility Services.
  • Missing cleaning
    E.g. stickers on mailboxes or lack of cleanliness → Submits a report to Facility Services.
  • Increase cleaning level
    ETH has framework agreements for this.
  • Ventilation / building services issues
    The technology is part of the rental property and cannot be further adapted or converted. Optimizations have already been made in the past.
  • "Insufficient" WCs
    These are part of the rental property. → If necessary, submit a GMIS application.
  • Purchase additional plants
    This is not possible for procurement reasons. Artificial plants are not purchased because they do not contribute to the indoor climate.
  • Special IT equipment required
    → Must be requested from IT Services via the head of department, well justified and approved there.
  • Ergonomics training
    → Attend existing SHE courses or apply for courses for your unit. Find information on this page.
  • Additional printers requested
    A printer concept has been defined for the entire ETH. → Exceptions must be applied for and justified to ID.
  • IT problems
    → Submit a ticket to the ID.


ETH Zurich
Future of Work @ OCT
Project Team
Binzmühlstrasse 130
8092 Zurich

  • Email

Note on the translation

This text has been translated for your convenience using a machine translation tool. It may not be perfect. If in doubt, please refer to the German version.

Should you come upon significant translation mistakes, please send a short message to futureofwork-oct@ethz.ch so that we can correct them. Thank you very much.