Structural development of ETH Zurich

In the third week of January, Prof. Ulrich Weidmann, Vice-President for Human Resources and Infrastructure, and Daniel Bucheli, Director of the Real Estate Management Department, informed ETH members about the structural development of ETH Zurich.

Enlarged view: Visualisierung Piazza
Much of ETH Zurich's future land development will take place on the Hönggerberg campus. Here you can see a visualisation of the central piazza from the master plan Hönggerberg 2040. (Visualisation: nightnurse images GmbH / EM2N)  

At two events with campus-specific focal points, the existing shortage of space at ETH Zurich and its causes and possible solutions were discussed, as well as the current status of the higher-level area planning and the current and upcoming construction projects.

Would you like to watch the recordings of the events? You can find them on the video platform (in German).


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