Facts, figures and statistics: Statista provides data for your research

Members of ETH Zurich can now access and use statistical data efficiently and across disciplines: Statista makes facts and figures available in a systematic, uncomplicated format.

How many American citizens have a video-on-demand account? What is the GDP of Colombia? What trends can be observed for what brands in the European automotive market? – external pageStatista is a business data platform that gives members of ETH Zurich access to statistical data on more than 80,000 topics from more than 22,500 sources. Industry and business data on more than 1,000 companies, trend analyses and prognoses, historical and current facts – the database pools a wealth of valuable information for your basic research.

Systematic research

With a large amount of reports and dossiers on more than 1,000 topics, Statista is a handy resource for gaining insight into a subject and access to relevant information. All records are processed to academic standards, and additional definitions and summaries are provided to supplement individual topics.

Reliable data

Every statistic is published together with its meta data, such as the source, date of publication, number of survey participants, etc. This makes all information on Statista verifiable and ensures reliability for your research.

Data integration

Conveying information in an easily comprehensible format is an important part of presenting your research. Graphics, tables, diagrams, images and Excel files are particularly useful for this. Statista allows you to download its data as a range of file types, so that you can immediately and efficiently include the information in your research documents and publications in a visually attractive format.

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