From the bookshelves of a mathematics professor – New private library on e-rara
With the newly published collection “Private Library of Johannes Orelli”, we take you back to the early years of the Federal Polytechnic Institute – what is now ETH Zurich.

Johannes Orelli (1822–1885) was one of the first professors of mathematics at the new polytechnic institute. He gave lectures in algebra as well as differential and integral equation from the time of the institute’s foundation until his death. Orelli was regarded as a good teacher who gave clear and comprehensible lectures, and who managed to make mathematics intelligible even to his less-gifted students.
Mathematics from algebra to arithmetic
On e-rara, you can discover the books that once stood on Johannes Orelli’s shelves and which he used to prepare his lectures and courses. The works from his estate are being digitised on an ongoing basis and are available for virtual browsing under “external page Private Library of Johannes Orelli” on e-rara.
external page e-rara is the platform for digitised prints from Swiss institutions dating from the 15th to 20th century.
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