Fire at HIA building

A van belonging to an external company caught fire at the HIA building this  afternoon. There is property damage to the building - no persons were harmed.

The burnt-out van, next to it a fireman.
The fire brigade assumes that an engine fire was the cause of the burnt-out van. (Image: SSHE/ETH Zurich)

A fire broke out in a van in the delivery area of the HIA building (hydraulic engineering research/laboratory building) on the Hönggerberg campus today afternoon. The fire brigade was able to extinguish the fire quickly and assumes that it was caused by an engine fire.

The HIA building was evacuated. A good 30 minutes later, the all-clear was given and the evacuation was lifted. There was no personal injury, but the fire caused damage to the façade of the HIF construction hall and the HIA North building as well as to the windows in the HIA.

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