Openness of research information – Democratising the use of scientometrics
We are delighted to welcome Professor Ludo Waltman on 24 April 2024, who will postulate a democratisation of the use of scientometrics in the fourth lecture of the Swiss Year of Scientometrics (SYoS).
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Responsible research assessment and open science are topics that concern all higher education institutions. In his lecture, Professor Ludo Waltman, Scientific Director at the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) at Leiden University, reports on the developments in the Netherlands to promote these two topics on a large scale and in a concerted effort. The transition to new scientometric approaches based on open research information is of central importance.
Open research information allows scientometric analyses to be performed in fully transparent and reproducible ways. It democratises the use of scientometrics and supports richer and more flexible approaches to scientometrics. For example, Ludo Waltman will present the new “Open Edition of the CWTS Leiden Ranking” and discuss ways in which higher education institutions can participate in the transition to open research information.
- Greeting by Prof. Dr Ulrich Weidmann, Vice President for Infrastructure ETH Zurich
- Lecture "Openness of research information - Democratising the use of scientometrics" by Prof. Ludo Waltman
- Questions and discussion
- Apéro

The lecture “Openness of research information - Democratizing the use of scientometrics” will take place on 24 April 2024 from 5.00 to 6.30 p.m. at ETH Zurich, Campus Zentrum, Leonhardstrasse 21, 8092 Zurich, LEE E 101. The lecture will be held in English.
All attendees are warmly invited to join the “Apéro” in the foyer afterwards.
Please register by email. We look forward to your participation!
SYoS blog and project finalisation
All lectures of the Swiss Year of Scientometrics are accompanied by expert contributions on our blog The topics mentioned in the blog are initiated in the run-up to the lectures and taken up and discussed afterwards.
Here you will also find information on the completion of the project, which was initiated by the ETH Library and funded by external page swissuniversities.
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