Wanted: ETH employees from other continents

People from more than 120 nations work at ETH Zurich. They all shape the culture and success of our university. For the next "life" magazine, we would like to focus on their cultural backgrounds - and are looking for employees who did not grow up in Europe.

Erdkugel mit Händen, die sie stützen

Whether it's how openly and directly you communicate or when unpunctuality begins - our cultural background shapes our behavior and how we perceive the behavior of others.

This is why cultural diversity can sometimes lead to difficulties - but at the same time to more creativity, more unconventional ideas and better solutions. The prerequisite for this is an organizational culture in which cultural differences are perceived and used as an opportunity.

Promoting an open organizational culture

We want to promote this with the next issue of "life" magazine and portray people who come from very different national cultures. We want to show how they perceive the culture in Switzerland and at ETH, how it differs from that in their home country, what prejudices they encounter, what nice moments and anecdotes they experience in this context and much more.

Did you grow up on another continent and want to participate? Then please contact anna.maltsev@hk.ethz.ch by March 4.

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