How does the ETH Foundation work?

The ETH Foundation celebrated its twentieth anniversary last year. But why does the Foundation exist and how does it work?

Since its formation on 18 August 2003 in the run-up to the university's 150th anniversary, the ETH Foundation has dedicated itself as a non-profit organisation to a central purpose: promoting research and education at ETH Zurich. Together with donors, it enables research projects, teaching initiatives and talent promotion that would otherwise not be realised. This support accelerates scientific innovation and strengthens ETH’s position as a world-leading university.

Enable, innovate, connect: Tasks and objectives

The main role of the ETH Foundation is to enable the strategically relevant initiatives defined by the Executive Board of ETH – from start-up funding for new professorships to talent development programmes such as the Excellence Scholarships or the Pioneer Fellowships for entrepreneurially ambitious researchers.

Portrait picture of Donald Tillman
“I support ETH Zurich not only professionally through my work as Managing Director of the ETH Foundation, but also privately, because I experience every day in my dialogue with ETH how much scientific research contributes to solutions for today's challenges and will continue to do so in the future.”
Portrait picture of Donald Tillman
Donald Tillman, ETH alumnus, donor and Managing Director of the ETH Foundation since 2006

An Excellence Scholarship gives selected Master's students – who are among the top two to three per cent of their year – the opportunity to develop their full potential and achieve top performance. Needs-based scholarships enable talented students from financially difficult backgrounds to study at ETH. With the Pioneer Fellowships, donors support 10 to 15 researchers each year in developing their ideas or research results through to commercial application and marketability. This involves not only seed capital, but also coaching and access to infrastructure. By supporting start-ups, products or services developed at ETH can be brought to market more quickly.

The Foundation connects the university with committed foundations, private individuals and companies to ETH Zurich.

From first contact to impact: the support process

Every donation is a sign of trust, which the ETH Foundation sees as an obligation to treat professionally and carefully. The funds entrusted to it are used for the desired purpose at ETH – the freedom of education and research is guaranteed at all times.

Portrait picture of Isabelle Herold
“What excites me most about my work at the ETH Foundation is the proximity to people – to donors, who are each connected to ETH in their own way, as well as to the supported students, whose talent and enthusiasm for science never cease to impress and inspire me.”
Portrait picture of Isabelle Herold
Isabelle Herold, responsible for the Excellence Scholarship Programme

For larger amounts, a funding agreement is drawn up, which often takes months or even years from the first contact to signing. The ETH Foundation's business model ensures that 100 per cent of the contributions go to ETH Zurich and thus benefit the chosen projects and individuals.

Creating networks, sharing knowledge: The community

All donors become part of a lively community. Here they experience at first hand the progress and successes that their support makes possible. Maintaining contacts and creating opportunities for exchange are also important areas of activity for the ETH Foundation. It invites donors and partners to events at ETH and acts as a link between donors and beneficiaries. These meetings are open to private individuals with smaller annual donations as well as representatives of foundations and companies with long-term commitments. Experience has shown that the resulting conversations are enlightening for both sides – a lively exchange in the service of science.

Meet the Talent

The annual Meet the Talent event took place on 16 April 2024, where more than 400 donors met Excellence Scholars holders and young entrepreneurs (Pioneer Fellows). (All photographs: Valeriano Di Domenico)

Portrait picture of Nathalie Sommer
“The wonderful stories of our donors enrich me every day. For example, when I learn how they experienced their student days at ETH Zurich and what they have been able to achieve since then.”
Portrait picture of Nathalie Sommer
Nathalie Sommer, Legacies and Philanthropy

Every contribution counts: Successes and highlights

Donations to the ETH Foundation have led to remarkable successes over the past twenty years. These have repeatedly included donations from active or former ETH employees as well as from former beneficiaries. The Foundation's funding successes include

  • start-up financing programmes for over 60 professorships,
  • 97 realised infrastructure projects,
  • the funding of 1078 research projects,
  • the awarding of around 1400 scholarships totalling CHF 140 million.

You don't have to be a millionaire to support ETH Zurich: Everyone can become part of the big picture within their means. There are even people who include ETH Zurich in their estate, be it in the form of money or real estate. Every piece of the puzzle is valuable when it comes to achieving great things together.

Annual report 2023

Helping to shape the digital transformation, inspiring young talent and more research for the health of children and young people: Over 2700 private individuals, foundations and companies supported ETH Zurich in 2023 with more than 3500 donations, legacies and bequests totalling over CHF 130 million. Read more about this in the external page Annual Report 2023. external page Find out more about the impact of the donations.

Contact: external page

Note on the translation

This text has been translated for your convenience using a machine translation tool. Although reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, it may not be perfect. If in doubt, please refer to the German version.

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