Illustration barrier-free

Barrier-free access to ETH Zurich buildings

The majority of ETH Zurich buildings are not yet barrier-free. In addition to a lack of automatic entrance doors or insufficient wheelchair-accessible toilet facilities, many buildings are not yet equipped with the new barrier-free signage. Two projects have started work and aim to make ETH barrier-free over the next twenty years.

Project ‘Barrier-free buildings’

A new website provides brief and concise information about the importance of barrier-free accessibility in the Real Estate department: ‘ETH Zurich promotes barrier-free construction in order to provide all people with unrestricted access to its buildings and services. To this end, the Real Estate department contributes its expertise to new buildings or renovations and implements measures." This includes measures such as automatic doors, step markings and handrails on stairs, or acoustic improvements through soundproof curtains or acoustic systems.

Dominik Jenni is the overall coordinator for barrier-free construction in the Real Estate department. He advises planners, architects and other stakeholders on construction processes and supports construction projects with his specialist expertise. In addition to training employees in the Real Estate department, it also liaises with authorities and associations, including the Canton of Zurich Conference for Disabled People and the Monument Preservation Department. If you have any questions about barrier-free construction, Dominik Jenni will be happy to answer them:

The ‘Barrier-free construction’ project started in 2021 and will adapt the many existing buildings at ETH Zurich to make them barrier-free over the next twenty years.

Interior of a building
Barrier-free access using the example of the ETH building CHN: Automated doors provide barrier-free access for everyone. (Photograph: ETH Zurich / Ufuk Düzgün)

‘Implement signage concept’ project

The new signage, i.e. the signposting in buildings, is being implemented at the same time. Good signage planning and signposting ensures that everyone can find their way around the building. New buildings are planned to be barrier-free from the outset, and barrier-free adaptations can be made to existing buildings at a later date. Where this is not possible, such as in the LFW building, the new signage provides support with the most important building information and also points the way to the barrier-free alternative entrance.

The new signage concept at ETH Zurich is barrier-free: Signs are easy to read thanks to a strong contrast in black and white, and room labelling is tactile thanks to profile and Braille lettering. The BSS, CHN, DFA/DFB, ETA, GLC, HIF, ML-FHK, OAT, OCT, SSA, STB, STF, STW and WEC buildings are already fully equipped with the new signage. Some areas are labelled in the CLA, CAB, HG, ML and LFW. All other buildings will follow in the next twenty years.

Work has also already begun on adapting the signage in the main building (HG). The newly designed forecourt provides barrier-free access through the main entrance, and a newly installed stele informs ETH members and visitors about the most important points of contact in the main building. In the renovated underground car park, direct access to the HG is signposted via the crypt.

Barrier-​​​​Free at ETH Zurich

ETH Zurich is committed to accessibility: over the course of the next few years, people with disabilities and those with special needs – whether students, lecturers, researchers, staff or visitors – are to benefit from greatly improved access to ETH buildings and services.

The proposed measures will be implemented in 14 sub-​​​​​projects under three categories: “Construction, Building Usage and Architecture”, “Organisation and Culture” and “Technology, Communication and Teaching”.

For more information on the programme and the 14 sub-​​​​projects, visit the programme website and the new exhibition on the topic of “barrier-​​​​free” in the OCT building.

Note on the translation

This text has been translated for your convenience using a machine translation tool. Although reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, it may not be perfect. If in doubt, please refer to the German version.

Should you come upon significant translation mistakes, please send a short message to so that we can correct them. Thank you very much.

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