Hönggerberg Campus

HPZ building on the Hönggerberg campus partially closed

Due to a fire, the F and G floors in the HPZ building have to remain closed until further notice.

On Thursday evening, 26 September, there was a fire in the area of an electrical distribution board in the HPZ building on the Hönggerberg campus. No one was hurt, but there is significant damage to property.

Floors F and G will remain closed until further notice.

If you have any questions, please contact the Facilities Services team of the HP building area via email at fs_info_gmh_hp@ethz.ch.

Note on the translation

This text has been translated for your convenience using a machine translation tool. Although reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, it may not be perfect. If in doubt, please refer to the German version.

Should you come upon significant translation mistakes, please send a short message to intern-aktuell-news@hk.ethz.ch so that we can correct them. Thank you very much.

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