Dr. Stefan Küenzi

Dr.  Stefan Küenzi

Dr. Stefan Küenzi

Staff of GS School for Continuing Education

ETH Zürich

GS School for Continuing Education

HG E 17

Rämistrasse 101

8092 Zürich


Additional information

Stefan Küenzi joined ETH and the team of the School for Continuing Education (SCE) in August 2020, where he works as educational developer and on challenges of quality management. Before his time with ETH, he worked for two universities of applied sciences for about 12 years and for global companies in the information technology, telecommunications and finance industries for more than 15 years before that. He originally studied computer science and business management, earned a doctorate from the School of Business at Unisq.edu.au, and holds postgraduate qualifications in didactics, education management, and coaching. He has also been senior lecturer in research methodology at a university of applied sciences in Zurich for many years.