Teaching Operations Planning and Processes
The Teaching Operations Planning and Processes group is responsible for examination scheduling, room and course scheduling, as well as for producing and dispatching degree documentation.
The Examinations Office team plans the session examinations which take place twice a year. The team draws up examination timetables for students and examiners. It comprehensively manages the entire process before and during an examination session - both for the Bachelor/Master degree programmes and for the diploma degree programmes which still have to be planned in parallel.
The Examinations Office is also available to anser any queries which departments may have in relation to performance assessments and provides them with administrative and technical support.
The Room and Course Scheduling team manages the following three sub-areas:
Room management and reservation
There are approximately 180 lectures halls/seminar rooms and 18 meeting rooms on the ETH main campus and in Science City. Our team manages and processes incoming room reservations.
Course scheduling
The team is responsible for publishing the course catalogue. In collaboration with the departmental schedule coordinators, the team defines and coordinates the entire scheduling process. It sets the deadlines for the planning and publication of the course catalogue.
Teaching assignments
Course scheduling is closely linked to the registration of new lecturers (excluding professors and senior lecturers). Application and confirmation deadlines for teaching assignments are coordinated with the course scheduling deadlines.
In addition, the group is also responsible for the registration of “special examiners” and the reimbursement of external examiner fees.
The Certificates and Services team is responsible for producing and dispatching degree documentation, and it assists departmental Administration Offices with matters relating to preparing academic records or listing grades.
The group also performs central services within Academic Services such as internal mail and scanning student dossiers.
Academic records and diplomas
The Academic Records and Degrees Office is responsible for dispatching degree documentation for Bachelor’s and Master’s graduates, assisting the departmental Administration Offices with matters relating to preparing academic records or listing grades, and carrying out any corrections to grades.
It produces the degree certificates for Bachelor’s and Master’s students and is responsible for transcripts or translations into one of the languages of Switzerland and English (including diploma qualifications). Transcripts and English translations of Bachelor’s and Master’s certificates can also be ordered from Certificates and Services.
ETH Zurich
Raemistrasse 101
HG E 13/14
8092 Zurich
Office hours
Normally from 9h to 12h (appointment recommended)
Other documents such as study confirmations, certified copies, equivalence certificates and transcripts of records are issued by the Registrar’s Office.