Consultation in Ergonomics

As a supervisor, you are responsible for ensuring that the health of your staff and students is protected and that accidents are prevented within ETH Zurich. You are obliged to designate safety officers and to inform your staff/students of the essential points on safety and intervention should an event occur.

For an overview of your health and safety responsibilities as a supervisor, download this DownloadSuva brochure (PDF, 927 KB).

SSHE cares for a healthy and safe working environment at ETH and advises you in health protection issues.

Sitting for long periods at the office, working in front of screens and at computers, repetitive movements and one-sided stresses can sometimes lead to tension and pain in the musculoskeletal system. Headaches, neck pain or pain in the shoulders and arms are such symptoms. An evaluation of the personal work/study space and the associated adjustments according to ergonomic aspects can help to reduce such complaints or even make them disappear completely. A major effect can be achieved with only minor changes, for example adjusting the desk height or the office chair. Using the Download«Factsheet ergonomics at computer workstations» (DOCX, 373 KB), you can carry out an initial evaluation of your computer workstation and make small adjustments on your own.

For further information, you can find a course on “Ergonomics at computer workstations” at SSHE’s overview of courses. In this session, the experts from the Occupational Medicine and Health Protection Section teach the basics of ergonomics at computer workstations and explain how you can work in front of a screen in a healthy, fatigue-free way.

Personal consultation and/or workstation evaluation is carried out in individual cases and as required. For example, this is the case if employees suffer from complaints that cannot be reduced by adapting the existing ergonomic conditions. After consulting with your supervisor, contact SSHE Occupational Medicine and Health Protection via email.


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