Elise Nardin

Elise Nardin
Staff of International Affairs
Curriculum Vitae
Elise Nardin a programme manager at the Office of the President, ETH Zurich.
Elise co-manages the Bilateral Programmes with Asia at the Leading House Asia. In this role, she is responsible for East Asian countries and represents the Swiss science community in East Asia. She develops and negotiates new funding instruments to increase scientific collaborations between Swiss and Asian researchers and manages the existing funding schemes of the Leading House Asia.
Elise Nardin holds a BA in Social Sciences of the University of Lausanne, a MA in Public Management and Policy of the IDHEAP (University of Lausanne), and a CAS in Design Thinking of the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK). Prior to ETH Zurich, she first worked in international trade promotion for various state agencies and later on in economic diplomacy at the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) in Berne where she was responsible for the bilateral economic relations with South Asia and Oceania.