Science and policy in Switzerland (in German)

Full day
  • 21.05.2025, 09:15 - 17:00
Start registration period: 27.01.2025
End of registration period: 19.05.2025
ETH Zurich, centre
  • Hochschulkommunikation,   (
  • Holzheimer, Judith  (
  • Bourgeois, Saskia
  • Hirschi, Caspar
  • Elhardt, Christoph
  • Knüsel, Benedikt
  • Stadler, Tanja
  • Brunner, Cyril
Free of charge
ETH Zurich, Centre
  • Doctoral students
  • Postdocs
  • Senior Scientists
  • Professors

of ETH Zurich.

We will allocate 16 places to the applicants with the most convincing letters of motivation.

Morning: Sciences and Politics

  • Presentation Caspar Hirschi: Division of roles between politics and science
  • Group discussion and Q&A
  • Experience report Tanja Stadler: Scientific policy advice during the Corona crisis
  • Experience report Cyril Brunner: Science-policy engagement in Switzerland as a climate scientist

Afternoon: Policy Outreach Plan

  • Input Christoph Elhardt: How to create an outreach plan
  • Input Saskia Bourgeois: Wind energy in Switzerland
  • Group work: Participants create their own outreach plan
  • Group presentation and discussion


  • Prof. Dr. Caspar Hirschi, Professor of general history, University of St. Gallen
  • Prof. Dr. Tanja Stadler, Professor of computational evolution , ETH Zurich
  • Dr. Cyril Brunner, scientific project leader of SPEED2ZERO, ETH Zurich
  • Dr. Christoph Elhardt, Media spokesperson and editor, ETH Zurich
  • Saskia Bourgeois, Senior Specialist for Renewable Energies, Wind Energy Division, Swiss Federal Office of Energy
  • Dr. Benedikt Knüsel, Head Science-Policy Interface, ETH Zurich

The participants

  • learn where and how they can get involved in the political process and who the relevant stakeholders are;
  • understand their role and that of politics.
  • learn to develop a policy outreach plan


When registering, please enter the entire text of your motivation letter in the text field "Letter of motivation" under "Application details". Longer texts can also be entered there!

Please answer the following questions in your letter of motivation:

  • Why do you want to take this class?
  • Which topic from your field of research would you like to engage politics with?
  • How would you use the skills learned in this course?

We will allocate 16 places to the applicants with the most convincing letters of motivation.

Please only register for the course if you really intend to participate; otherwise, you will deprive someone else of a place. At least a passive understanding of German is required to participate in the course.