AEM Basiskurs für ETH-Webautor/-innen (Deutsch)

AEM D-046
4 hrs
  • 08.05.2025, 08:30 - 12:30
End of registration period: 05.05.2025
  • Vock, André
CHF 120.-
OCT E 34, Binzmühlestrasse 130, Zürich-​Oerlikon
For ETH employees only
Participants will learn how to build and manage a website and its content using Adobe Experience Manager (AEM).

Introduction to the Adobe web content management system AEM. All participants

  • get to know the functions of the new Touch UI user interface.
  • learn how to create and edit pages.
  • learn how to manage the website structure.
  • learn how to upload content in the digital asset manager (DAM) and how to use that content on webpages.
  • learn how to use the basic components in the system. Special components are covered in the online manual
  • learn how to publish and unpublish pages.
  • will receive a course handout (digitally and on paper).

During the course you will have the opportunity to try out the system, ask questions about its functions, and receive tips on best practices.

You have basic computer skills, know the usage of internet browsers, and understand how to create user friendly and accessible websites.

A detailed documentation and information about AEM at ETH Zurich can be found in the online manual.

Firefox or Chrome browser in a Windows environment