SharePoint Online - Module 2 "Users"

2 hrs
  • 19.06.2025, 09:00 - 11:00
End of registration period: 13.06.2025
Online course
  • Müller, Andreas
CHF 100.-
• Most important changes with SharePoint Online compared to SharePoint 2016
• SharePoint Online: Overview of purpose, most important fields of application and functions
• Transformation to SharePoint Online at ETH Zurich
• Creation, management, and customization of SharePoint sites
• Advanced document management
The participants know the purpose and the most important functions of SharePoint Online as well as the main differences between SharePoint 2016 and SharePoint Online. They will be able to use the functionalities of SharePoint Online efficiently and adapt them to their needs (focus topics).
ETH employees who are currently working with SharePoint (version 2016, on-premise) and would like to switch to SharePoint Online in the future.
• Knowledge and experience with Microsoft Teams
• User experience with SharePoint (version 2016, SharePoint on-premise)

A variety of self-learning offers for SharePoint Online (SPO) are also available on the SPO landing page, as well as ETHZ L3Hub and LinkedIn Learnings.

• Course instructor: Andreas Müller (ETHZ ID)
• The invitation to the course will be sent via Microsoft Teams by the course instructor about 3 days before the course starts.