Publication of results for student viewing: Request for exception

Extract from the directive “Teaching evaluation by students at ETH Zurich”, point 11.3

"Faculty who do not wish results from their course units or examinations to be made available to students and other faculty should submit a written request for deletion to the Rector. These faculty are, however, still required to discuss the results with their students during class. Where possible, the faculty discuss the results with the students.”

Results Spring Semester 2024

  • Deadline for request for exception: 10th of September 2024
  • Publication of results: 30th of September 2024
  • application form  


Faculty may submit a request in writing to the Rector to be excepted from the disclosure of the results of individual course units or examinations. The application, in the form of an online form, should be addressed to the Rector.

The "reasons" entry must explain why publication of results would be unjustified, unfair or even detrimental. Reasons are normally one-off (e.g., personal or family grounds) and may therefore not be cited repeatedly.

The approval regarding an exception for a course unit or examination applies for one semester only.


If only one lecturer is involved in the course unit or examination, all results will be removed from the published report on averages.

If more than one lecturer is involved in a course unit (course types V or G), only the results of the person making the request will be excepted from publication (question group 2). Details of general satisfaction with the course unit will be published.

If examinations or course units are of type P (practicals), with several examiners, all results will be deleted from the published report on averages if the request indicates that all examiners and lecturers agree.

Course units or examinations whose results are completely or partially excepted from publication will be listed in the averages report as “results not disclosed”.

The results of department-specific questionnaires (currently: D-ARCH, Design [Entwurf]; D-CHAB, Case studies [Fallstudien]; D-MAVT, Engineering tools [Ingenieurtools]; D-BIOL, block courses) are treated the same as those of standard questionnaires.


Faculty should submit their requests immediately after receiving the “Report including comments for lecturers” [“Report inkl. Kommentaren für Dozierende“], and in any case two weeks at the latest before publication of results is due (see deadlines above).

The Rector will inform applicants of the decision. LET will receive information concerning approved requests from the Rector’s Office.

No further applications will be approved after results have been published.