Prequalification for the Digital Campus underway

Digital Campus has started the first phase of the selective procedure together with the LBA team and the IT services.

The following steps were carried out as part of the two-stage selection process:

Receipt and evaluation of applications (Phase I)

Nine companies submitted their documents on time and thus qualified for the evaluation. These were carefully reviewed to determine their suitability and expertise for the Digital Campus project.

Invitation to presentations (Phase I)

After reviewing the submitted applications, seven companies were selected and invited to give a presentation. In this step, the selected providers have the opportunity to present their concepts and solutions in more detail and to clarify any questions that ETH may have.

Next steps and final selection

In the next step, the Digital Campus project management, together with representatives of the LBA team and the IT services, will evaluate the presentations and make the final selection of the providers who will move on to the second phase of the selection process. Both technical excellence and an understanding of our educational structure will be taken into account in the decision-making process.

The selective process ensures that we find the best possible provider for the Digital Campus project that not only fulfils the technical requirements, but also has a deep understanding of our specific needs in the education sector.

We look forward to the presentations and to continuing to drive forward the digitalisation of our teaching landscape.