Judgement on the dismissal of an ETH professor
The Federal Administrative Court has reviewed the dismissal of a female professor at ETH Zurich and concluded that it was neither unlawful nor discriminatory on the basis of gender.

ETH Zurich has taken note of the ruling of the Federal Administrative Court, which can still be appealed to the Federal Supreme Court.
The Executive Board recognises the importance of the court’s finding that the dismissal was"neither unlawful nor gender discriminatory" The Board also acknowledges the court’s criticisms of certain shortcomings on the part of the university.
In March 2019, the Executive Board launched a comprehensive set of measures to improve the leadership and supervision situation at ETH Zurich. Since then, the university has improved processes for dealing with conflict situations, introduced joint supervision of doctoral students across the board and created a new Executive Board domain to promote the development of leadership skills.
ETH Zurich will review whether the Federal Administrative Court's ruling contains additional insights for improving processes at the university.
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