The Executive Board domain of Research has been reorganised
The Executive Board domain of Research has been reorganised since 1 July 2024. It is divided into an Office of Research and three departments: "Research Initiatives and Infrastructures", "Scientific Integrity and Research Ethics" and "Grants Office".
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The Office of Research now consists of three departments and one staff unit. With this simple structure, the responsibilities for ETH Zurich researchers are clear and efficient support is ensured. In addition, the Executive Board domain of Research is well positioned with the new organisational structure to meet current and future challenges in the research area and to contribute optimally to the implementation of ETH Zurich's strategy.
The Research Initiatives and Infrastructures department (co-headed by Leszek Reinhard and Adrian Rohner) is responsible for interdisciplinary research cooperation at the level of the entire ETH Zurich. This includes the promotion of interdepartmental centres and facilities, interdisciplinary initiatives and support for ETH technology platforms. This also includes the provision and efficient use of research infrastructures and the financing programmes for the latest research equipment. The programmes for Open Science and the promotion of the FAIR principle for research data are also part of this department.
The Scientific Integrity and Research Ethics department (headed by Gérald Achermann) supports researchers in applying the basic principles of scientific integrity and complying with research-specific ethical and legal standards. Within its area of responsibility, it ensures the development of guidelines and the establishment and further development of suitable structures and processes. The department is divided into three thematic units:
- The Scientific Integrity Unit supports the Commission for Good Scientific Practice in establishing a culture of scientific integrity and good scientific practice as well as the Integrity Commission in the procedures in cases of suspected scientific misconduct (cf. Internal news from 8 February 2024).
- The Animal Welfare Officers of the Animal Welfare Unit and 3R work at the interface between researchers conducting animal experiments and the authorities responsible for enforcing Swiss animal welfare legislation (see Internal News of 4 April 2024).
- The Research Ethics Unit, together with the Ethics Commission, supports researchers in applying ethical standards in the field of human research. It is also the contact and advice services for the handling of biological material and genetic resources from abroad for research purposes.
The Grants Office department (headed by Sonja Negovetic) informs, advises and supports ETH researchers in the acquisition and administration of public, competitive national and international research funding. It is responsible for ETH's internal research funding programmes (project and talent promotion) and for the periodic evaluations of the departments. The former EU GrantsAccess unit, which was operated jointly with the University of Zurich, was dissolved on 1 July 2024. Its employees and tasks have been integrated into the existing Grants Offices of ETH and UZH (see Internal News of 1 July 2024).
The Office of Research (headed by Cornelia Schauz) is responsible for providing management support to the Vice President of Research. It ensures the smooth running of operational processes and is responsible for Controlling the division. It is responsible for selected strategic initiatives and the coordination of overarching processes. It advises and supports the Vice President in matters of research policy and in establishing and maintaining relationships with national and international political decision-makers. The Office of Research coordinates the exchange with other staff units, departments, ETH departments and external partners and is responsible for internal and external communication.
Note on the translation
This text has been translated for your convenience using a machine translation tool. Although reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, it may not be perfect. If in doubt, please refer to the German version.
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