Corporate Communications (CC) is responsible for internal and external communications at ETH Zurich and works in partnership with the departments, professorships and central administrative units. Our services:
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Corporate Communications (CC) is responsible for internal and external communications at ETH Zurich and works in partnership with the departments, professorships and central administrative units. It engages in dialogue with the public, providing information about current research and the contribution ETH makes to society. Externally it strengthens the university’s reputation and fosters the acceptance of science in society. Internally it helps to keep the ETH community well informed and identified with the institution.
CC communications professionals are entrusted with the content, maintenance and development of institutional communication channels at ETH, in keeping with the ETH Zurich communications strategy. They also manage strategic communications projects, offer advice and support to ETH members on communications issues of relevance to the universityas a whole and run courses in science communication.
ETH Zurich
Corporate Communications
Rämistrasse 101
HG F39