Free Menstrual Products on the ETH Campus

Wort-Bild-Marke der Menstruation Station
The 23 toilets equipped with a "Menstruation Station" are clearly marked with turquoise stickers.

Menstruation is a normal occurrence for thousands of the university community. In order to ensure the best possible work and study environments for their members, ETH Zurich has launched a project to facilitate access to menstrual products on campus.  

In total, 23 dispensers which dispense free tampons and pads are installed in women's and gender-neutral toilets on the Hönggerberg and Zentrum campuses, as well as in Basel and in the Octavo building in Oerlikon. The vending machines each contain one pre-packed pad (size M) or 1 pre-packed tampon (size M).

The aim of the project is to contribute to the normalisation and overcome the taboo surrounding the topic of menstruation at ETH Zurich, but also in Swiss society in general. 

The project was initiated by several campus women’s groups and implemented together with ETH Diversity and ETH Facility Management. The project is also supported by VSETH, AVETH, the external page ETH Women Professors Forum and various other university groups.

You too can make a contribution:

  • Report an empty dispenser:
  • Give us feedback to the pilotproject in general:
  • Use the products as need be!

Menstruation Station on SRF

Menstruation Station in SRF

On the occasion of the decision of the Swiss National Council on 11 May 2022 to reduce the value-added tax on menstrual products, the SRF did a report on the topic of "free menstrual products" in the programme "Schweiz aktuell". The Menstruation Station at ETH Zurich was portrayed and students were interviewed about the offer and its benefits. 

The report can be viewed in the external page SRF media library (from minute 3:17, only in German).


Do you have questions or suggestions?