Plot on demand: print large formats yourself

"Plot on demand" allows you to print posters and plans yourself at multiple locations using a QR code that you purchase online.

Tips and Tricks
Illustration: ETH Zürich

From 16 January 2023, it will only be possible to print large formats yourself using "Plot on demand". This will make printing large formats yourself even easier and faster and save resources.

Biggest plus: uses less paper

As print jobs are now started actively by scanning the QR code locally, not only do you spend less time waiting but the amount of paper wasted due to people not collecting their posters is also drastically reduced.

The benefits of "Plot on demand" at a glance:

  • Less wasted paper
  • Less waiting
  • Economical
  • Optimised use of printers

How "plot on demand" works

1. Choose what you want to print in the external page "Plot on demand" webshop

2. Pay for the product online and get the relevant QR code.

3. Scan your QR code at a "plot on demand" station in order to start printing.

external page Go to the "Plot on demand" webshop

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