Important changes to parking at ETH Zurich
As communicated some while ago, parking charges at ETH Zurich will be brought into line with market prices in a third and final step. In future, parking spaces will only be available for rent in buildings belonging to ETH Zurich. Meanwhile, the number of charging stations for electric vehicles at ETH will be increased.
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In September, the Executive Board announced that the cost-cutting measures introduced to reduce the budget deficit were taking effect. One of these measures is the gradual raising of car parking charges to the going market rate. Following the notification to the Executive Board on 9 November 2023, the third and final phase of this alignment will be completed in early 2024.
The Executive Board is aware that in certain situations, travelling by car is unavoidable. However, it is keen to abolish incentives for using a private car where this is not necessary. Alongside these incisive measures, ETH Zurich is continuing to encourage low-carbon mobility, and offering ETH members a range of attractive options.
Adjustments to parking charges
The rent for parking spaces and the price of tickets and cards will be adjusted as of 1 January 2024. Those affected will be informed by personal letter of the new rates:
- CHF 170 per month for non-fixed garage/underground parking spaces
- CHF 120 per month for non-fixed outdoor parking spaces
Multi-day parking cards are an attractive option for staff who work part-time or are not on site every day. The new prices can be viewed on our Parking at ETH webpage.
Rental of parking spaces at buildings owned by ETH
In future, parking facilities at ETH will only be available at buildings belonging to ETH. Parking spaces rented externally by ETH Zurich may only be used by the ETH vehicle fleet. All other parking spaces will be closed in the near future, in accordance with the contract provisions. All those affected will be informed by personal letter.
EV charging stations open to all
As of 1 January 2024, the loading of electric vehicles at ETH charging stations will be subject to a fee and charged on a usage basis. ETH has concluded an agreement with AG for managing this process.
In order to optimise the use of existing charging stations at ETH, fixed parking spaces equipped with charging points will be abolished on 1 January 2024 and made accessible to all ETH members. Those affected will be informed in writing. To use the charging points in future, you will need to download the free external page swisscharge mobility app or purchase a swisscharge RFID fuel card (card fee CHF 10).
Our behaviour shapes our future
We are aware that the price adjustment will have a tangible financial impact on many ETH members and kindly ask those affected for their understanding. As members of an institution that is largely financed by federal funds, we must all help to transform ETH Zurich into a more climate-friendly, financially healthy institution.
In paying the higher parking charges, those travelling to ETH by car will be indirectly helping our university reach its savings targets. The reduction in the number of parking spaces and expansion of our low-carbon mobility options will move us closer to achieving our climate goals.
Should you have any questions, please get in touch with us at:
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