Data Stewards and their emerging role in research data management

In the next 17:15 Colloquium by the ETH Library, Lars Schöbitz will present the role of ‘data stewards’ and their important function in research data management.

Dr. Julian Dederke (ETH-Bibliothek), Professorin Elizabeth Tilley, Lars Schöbitz (D-MAVT, Global Health Engineering)

17:15 Colloquium by the ETH Library
Thursday, 21 November 2024, 17.15 
Plan for tomorrow today: a model for data stewardship 

Lars Schöbitz, professional data science educator, lecturer at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering 
ETH Zurich, Campus Zentrum, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zurich, MM C 78.1 – Alumni Pavillon or external page live online.  
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Standards for scientific rigor, Open Access, and reproducibility of scientific results are shifting globally. In Switzerland, the Swiss National Open Research Data Strategy was adopted in 2021. The guiding principles formulated in it and the associated action plan promote the most open handling of research data possible. Since then, significant amounts of funding have been distributed for different measures targeting Open Research Data (ORD) activities. One measure aims to establish the term "data stewardship" to support researchers in making their data and code more public, following international standards such as FAIR data sharing principles. 

The talk by Lars Schöbitz will promote research practices that were applied at the Chair of Global Health Engineering (ETH Zurich). Establishing and implementing these practices was feasible by hiring a full-time data steward.

Lars Schöbitz will highlight the profile of one data steward and discuss the required skills and requirements for this role from his perspective. Using an example, he will share the approach to producing open data and code as individual research products and explain how they are separate from and sometimes can be more valuable than the scientific articles derived from them. The presentation will also discuss the establishment of a Data Stewardship Community in the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector.

The 17:15 Colloquium by the ETH Library offers a platform for further education and discussion of topics related to libraries, museums and archives. The formula: a 30-​minute lecture + a 30-​minute discussion = inspiration for our daily working lives.

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