Outgoing staff mobility

In the framework of the Swiss-​European Mobility Programme (SEMP, formerly Erasmus), ETH faculty, doctoral assistants and administrative staff can spend periods at European universities. Ideally, this type of mobility is reciprocal in the long term.

Application deadline

Applications should be submitted at least two months before the mobility begins. Later applications may be considered if our capacity allows us to review them before the start of the mobility.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you can travel legally and on time.


Grants are awarded usually in the order in which the (complete!) applications were received. In case interest is larger than the available funding the Student Exchange Office reserves the right to prioritise applications (e.g. limitation to one mobility per person per academic year, limitation of the number of persons going to the same host institution). The Student Exchange Office can inform you about the availability of grant money.

ETH staff (SEMP STT staff training)

ETH faculty (SEMP STA teaching assignment)  

Contact person

Patrick Bisangpatrick.bisang@akd.ethz.ch, Tel +41 44 632 20 87