Establishing trust as the foundation for good collaboration

Trust is an important and at the same time sensitive ingredient for effective and good collaboration. It helps in managing the risks in everyday life and reducing the social complexities in dealing with others.

In a nutshell

Trust plays a fundamental role in collaboration for various reasons:

  1. Efficiency and productivity: When team members trust each other, they can work more efficiently. They do not have to overcome doubts or mistrust all the time, which saves time and energy.
  2. Openness and communication: Trust promotes transparent communication. Team members are more willing to share ideas, give feedback, and address concerns if they trust each other.
  3. Willingness to take risks: In a trusting environment, people feel more confident to take risks and come up with new ideas. This can lead to innovation and creativity.
  4. Conflict resolution: Trust helps in resolving conflicts constructively. Team members can relate to one another and are more willing to look for solutions together.
  5. Building relationships: Trust fosters the development of strong interpersonal relationships. It improves the overall working environment and boosts the team members’ commitment.

Overall, trust is an important cornerstone of successful collaboration. It is the foundation that teams build on in order to work together effectively and achieve success.


Ingredients for a trusting relationship

Honesty and authenticity

Appreciative interactions, seeing eye-to-eye, and an interest in other perspectives form the foundation for a trusting collaboration on an equal footing.

Dealing with mistakes in a constructive manner

Mistakes happen and can be an opportunity for personal development. To strengthen trusting relationships, it is helpful to deal transparently with your own mistakes and give others in the team the opportunity to learn from mistakes. They are an essential component of further development and innovation.

Show your appreciation

Appreciation is an important part of mutual respect. Appreciating the contributions of others can strengthen collaboration and a generous approach to appreciation and recognition strengthens trust.

Clarifying expectations

Open discussions about expectations can help in avoiding misunderstandings.

Taking on and handing over responsibility

Taking on responsibility and giving others the opportunity to do the same can promote a group’s or team’s development. Recognising opportunities for personal and collective development has a positive impact on motivation and commitment.

Listen to understand

Formulating open questions (why? how? for what? when? etc.) helps in fostering a deeper understanding of the other person's concerns and worries.

Adapted according to: Covey, Stephen M. R. (2008). The Speed of Trust: The One Thing that Changes Everything: The One Thing That Changes Everything. Simon & Schuster Ltd.

Further information


Book recommendation

The Fearless Organisation (Amy C. Edmonson)

Enlarged view: Book cover: The Fearless organization

How to create psychological safety in the workplace for more development, learning and innovation.

ISBN: 1119477247


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Vice-Presidency for Personnel Development and Leadership
Diversity & Collaboration

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