“Volcanoes and climate” lecture series

The special exhibition on “Tambora and the year without summer” will welcome 15 national and international researchers to present their latest results in a public lecture series. Lectures will be held in focusTerra every Thursday evening at 6 p.m. from 8 September to 15 December 2016.

How can a volcanic eruption in Indonesia lead to cooling of the climate in Switzerland? (Photo: USGS)
How can a volcanic eruption in Indonesia lead to cooling of the climate in Switzerland? (Photo: USGS)

The eruption of the Indonesian volcano Tambora in 1815 resulted in a “year without summer” the following year in Europe and North America, and a severe famine in Switzerland. The relationship between the 1815 eruption and the climatic conditions of 1816 was only recognised later, just over 100 years ago.

Thanks to the latest research, including work by researchers at ETH Zurich, we are gaining a better understanding of the processes that take place inside the Earth and in our atmosphere. A forthcoming public lecture series will welcome 15 national and international researchers in the fields of volcanology, climatology and social sciences to present their latest findings.

The lectures will be held in focusTerra every Thursday evening at 6 p.m. from 8 September to 15 December 2016.

The lecture series is part of the extensive programme of activities for the special exhibition on “Tambora and the year without summer”, which is being held at focusTerra until 31 January 2017.


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