Partner print shops and agencies
Would you like to produce printed matter, design content or organise a mass mailing? Compare the offers of our external partners and benefit from attractive conditions.

Available services
Would you like to have printed materials such as brochures, posters or flyers produced? Our partner print shops are at your disposal.
Note: Please note that the prices for individual products can vary considerably from print shop to print shop. It may therefore be worth comparing prices online in advance.
With Funke Lettershop AG, ETH Zurich has a reliable service provider for the production and dispatch of mass mailings.
Contact for enquiries and new registrations:
The PLOD stations at ETH Zurich are operated by Sign & Print GmbH:
Zentrum: protected page HG D 47
Hönggerberg: protected page HIL C 56.3
Oerlikon: protected page ONA E 38
FAQ - Frequently asked questions
The prices offered by the partner print shops as part of the WTO tender are in some cases significantly lower than the previous internal printing prices. However, it is possible that individual products have become more expensive as a result of outsourcing. Please compare the product prices of the individual partner print shops, as these may vary.
The three web shops for printed materials (standard range) offer the familiar login via SWITCH edu-ID. There is no need to create a new login.
To access the web shop for printing exam documents (external page you need to register first.
Yes, the project team has worked with ETH Logistics and Campus Info to ensure that the familiar and ETH-specific dispatch and collection options are guaranteed and that the new partner print shops implement them. Printed materials can therefore still be sent to a Campus Info location for collection.
In future, orders and order management will be handled directly by the external partner print shops and agencies. They will invoice ETH customers directly and are your point of contact for all questions relating to the respective product range and associated orders.
During the transition phase, the FuturePrint@ETH project team and the Print Group will ensure that the changeover runs smoothly.
Recent Updates
The public tender for the takeover of ETH's internal printing services by external print shops was successful. From December 2024, ETH members will be able to order directly via the external webshops of the new partner print shops. The Print and Publish webshop will be available until 6 December 2024.
The first phase of public tenders for the takeover of the standard range and examination printing was successful. The project team was able to define a shortlist of printing companies that can now submit a concrete offer by July.
- Several potential providers were invited to submit a bid for diploma printing. The deadline for applications is 21 June 2024.
- The three main plot-on-demand stations in the HIL, HG and ONA buildings will remain in place and will be maintained by an external operator from 12/24.
After intensive examination and preparatory work by the project team, two separate tenders were published on external page on 23 April 2024. The first tender relates to the standard range, the second to examination printing. No tenders are currently required for the other product ranges (diploma printing, PLOD, lettershop).
The aim of the tender is to find one or more printing partners to continue the existing print services externally from 2025. The tender will be launched in the coming months.
Details of the tender:
- The tender covers the standard offer as well as the product ranges plot on demand, security printing (e.g. examinations, diplomas) and lettershop.
- Potential partners are not required to take over the existing printing centre in order to increase the chances of success of the tender.
- If the printing services are continued externally, the rooms of the printing centre on the Hönggerberg could be used for teaching and research again in future.
- Should it prove possible to find several external printing partners, this would minimise potential risks of failure and create attractive options for ETH members.
In order to be able to continue offering print services to ETH members, suitable partners are to be found by the end of 2024. The aim is to take over the existing infrastructure and retain our employees.
In October 2023, the FuturePrint@ETH project group was formed for this task. Commissioned by the Head of Campus Services, the group’s mission is to evaluate possible scenarios and coordinate the transition phase. This phase will span from our current standard operation to the start of a possible follow-up operation beginning in 2025. The Print and Publish section will remain unchanged in 2024.