
At the Vice-​Presidency for Personnel Development and Leadership, we grappled with the topic of inclusive language in job postings, to promote diversity and inclusion and attract a broader range of talented candidates. For this purpose, we led a project in which the text analysis tools "Textio" and "Diversifier" were used by recruiters. These tools combined with the support of professional writers helped the recruiters to formulate their job advertisements as inclusive and diverse as possible. This should make suitable candidates feel addressed and ideally also apply (more about this on our website). Finally, we gathered feedback from a hiring manager and his new employees. How did they experience the project or rather how did the candidates at the time perceive our job advertisements?

"The job advertisement at ETH Zurich was very appealing to me, because it was phrased in a neutral and open way. Together with the exciting unique position, it motivated me to submit my application."

Florine Geiser
Specialist in sustainable construction and circular economy
- Engineering and Systems -

"The position's required digital competences and the opportunity to work with and for ETH Zurich's world-​leading research particularly appealed to me. The fact that ETH Zurich is an employer that actively supports the furthering of diversity in such key positions was also a motivation for me to apply."

Nina Indina
Strategic projects and innovations
- Engineering and Systems -