Microbiomics I: The Microbiome of the Plant-Soil System (ETHZ 751-5127-00L)
2025_FS_MicoBiomI | |
20.02.2025 - 22.05.2025 | |
2h jeden Donnerstag morgen während der Vorlesungszeit | |
Beginn Anmeldefrist: 29.11.2024 Ende Anmeldefrist: 28.01.2025 |
ETH Zürich, Zentrum | |
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Free of Charge for all Master and PhD students (PSC, LSZGS) | |
The plant-soil microbiome is an essential component of agroecosystems, regulating crop growth, nutrient use efficiency, stress resilience, and disease resistance. In this course, students will develop a fundamental understanding of (i) how microorganisms shape the functioning of the plant-soil system, (ii) how ecosystem management and global changes are influencing diversity and functioning of these microbial systems, and (iii) how the microbiome might be managed to improve sustainable agricultural production. A strong focus will be placed on getting to know the methodological toolbox to study microbes in the environment including different next-generation DNA sequencing applications such as metabarcoding and metagenomics. Theoretical input lectures will be combined with presentations of current research projects. Flipped classroom assignments will be used to critically discuss research findings of specific publications or to evaluate the strength and limitation of the specific methods. For more details, please see the abstract. | |
Hartmann Martin, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, ETH Zurich | |
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Master students PhD students (prerequisite for Part II) | |
The participants should have some basic background in biology and a keen interested in learning and discussing how microorganisms shape the functioning of our planet. Whereas this course unit can be taken as standalone class, it also serves as preparatory class for the hands-on block course on microbiome analysis (The Microbiome of the Plant-Soil System: Part II). | |
English | |
In order to obtain the ECTS points, participants are required to actively participate in the lectures and flipped classroom assignments. | |
By registering you agree to the PSC course terms and conditions AGBs | |
Cancellation of a course registration should be arranged with the course coordination office phdecology@ieu.uzh.ch and is possible free of charge up to 2 weeks before the course starts. Later cancellations and failure to attend or incomplete attendance without documented justification will incur a fee of 200 CHF. | |
ETH students (Master & PhD students) have to register via MyStudies only, to ensure valid registration ! | |
Dr.Bojan Gujas (psc_phdprogram@ethz.ch) | |
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