Scientific Presentation Practice

08.05.2025 - 21.05.2025
2 Tage
  • 08.05.2025, 09:00 - 17:00
  • 21.05.2025, 09:00 - 17:00
Beginn Anmeldefrist: 30.10.2024
Ende Anmeldefrist: 14.04.2025
ETH Zürich, Zentrum
Students enrolled in PSC PhD Programs: CHF 0
LSZGS PhD students: CHF 0
All others: CHF 300
Course Objectives
The participants of the course are going to
a) learn and practice effective scientific presentations with seven simple elements
b) communicate in a stress-free, clear and individual way to various audiences (e.g. at
conferences, seminars, job interviews);
c) learn how to prepare a logic structure and be an authentic presenter with a strong delivery;
d) Learn and reflect about AI elements in presentations.

Course Program
• Conceptualization and planning of a presentation
• Key elements of a clear and logic structure
• Adding soft elements and authenticity
• De-stressing before and during a presentation
• Be convincing and clear (by language, by voice, by argumentation strings)
• Non-verbal elements supporting the presentation
• Transition elements to leading the discussion

Methods applied
Group work, individual exercises, video analysis, oral feedback, practice and interviews. You will present 3-4 times in these two days, get conscious about all relevant aspects and find out your individual best.

Interest in developing further, being self-reflective, giving and receiving substantial feedback. You’ll need to prepare a scientific presentation of 10 min length in English between the first and second day.
Dr. Barbara Hellermann
PhD & Master Students
Postdocs if places available
An assignment must be completed in order to obtain 1 ECTS

By registering you agree to the PSC course terms and conditions AGBs

Cancellation of a course registration should be arranged with the course coordination office and is possible free of charge up to 2 weeks before the course starts.
Later cancellations and failure to attend or incomplete attendance without documented justification will incur a fee of 200 CHF.
Group work, individual exercises, video analysis, oral feedback, practice and interviews. You will present 3-4 times in these two days, get conscious about all relevant aspects and find out your individual best.

Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center

Dr.Bojan Gujas (