DEEPTECH – The Next Frontiers


How will Europe lead in tech?

We live a moment of incredible technological acceleration. In a winner-takes-all world, disruptive technologies are not anymore a luxury but an imperative to stay in the race for technological, economical and increasingly political significance. Giving the advancement in AI, Cyber, Space, Gene editing, 5G happening in Menlo Park, Shenzhen, Boston and Beijiing, has Europe lost the battle ? How much can this undermine the very foundation of liberal democracies ? How can Europe leapfrog and race back to the top ? Join an exceptional group of ETH visionaries and JEDI – the European Darpa - technology leaders for a fascinating discussion on the frontiers of technology, how democracies can combine values and speed, and use deep and disruptive technologies as force for good.

externe Seite André Loesekrug-Pietri (JEDI)
externe Seite Myriam Dunn Cavelty (ETH Zurich, CSS)
externe Seite Jürgen Schmidhuber (IDSIA)


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