Sulfur dioxid column densities 1950 – 2050

The video shows monthly means of sulfur dioxid (SO2) column densities (integral of SO2 concentration from surface to top of atmosphere) for the years 1950 to 2050. What enters the model / animation are, basically, prescribed annual SO2 emissions and "the weather". The former gives the long term variations (e.g. general increase in China, India and decrease in Europe), the latter gives the high frequency variations (e.g. more storms and rain in winter in Europe). Emissions from 2000 onwards are estimated.

Prominent sources you see in the animation are some volcanoes (Aetna in Sicily, volcanoes in Hawaii, etc.), forest fires / biomass burning in Africa (changing with the rainy season), and 'industry' emissions in the developed and developing world (Europe, China, India etc.).

SO2 is interesting from a climate point of view as it interacts with the sun light in the earth atmosphere, thus changing how much solar radiation is deposited where in the earth system.