Wunderkammer/Cabinet of Curiosities: Perceive, Collect, Organise, Translate, Visualise
Booth #20

The Wunderkammer / Cabinet of Curiosities project is a web platform that provides an interactive research tool for landscape architecture and design-relevant tools to support the design process at the interface between teachers and students.
Andreas Klein, D-ARCH, Chair Günther Vogt, Institute for Landscape Architecture, Network City and Landscape
The design process comprises all of the following steps: research, analysis, programme, development and communication. Here the selection and evaluation of different information and what links and contextualises it as well as the translation of knowledge and individual experience through various design tools are important skills. The Wunder-kammer/Cabinet of Curiosities platform supports the design process and helps with the presentation of these individual design steps.
1. Specific contextualised knowledge: The platform offers quick access to design-rele-vant landscape architectural knowledge for architecture students who choose landscape architecture as an elective subject. The style of navigation promotes independent elab-oration on, and linking of, the content, which exposes students to different perspectives and allows them to explore terms and definitions in various contexts.
2. Gather knowledge and organise it: Students can use the platform either as part of a course at the Chair of Professor Vogt or independently. Users plan their research as project-specific ‘collections’ which they can organise according to various parameters and thereby reveal new connections. Using prescribed layouts, the collected material can be structured, expanded with images and texts and used as a knowledge base for design.
3. How do we apply design tools? The platform encourages students to take a considered approach to design tools and their appropriate application. It also encourages them to think about which technical and design methods are appropriate by demonstrating their use in a variety of disciplines.